author Christian Cooney

The name:
Christian Cooney


  • Cases, when, after the excitement of mal di ventre in women, you often encounter. A pathological condition associated with disorders of the functioning of the genitourinary system and requires immediate diagnosis followed by appropriate therapy. This will be discussed in this article.
    29 September 2018
  • One of the indicators of the health of the woman is its characteristic secretion sexual. Selection during the sex is a complex process, conceived by the nature. As should be the norm, and that is considered to be a pathology, — more information in this article.
    18 September 2018
  • The book "On women. The contact with the feminine, the spiritual strength", the author Osho. A book about the differences between men and women, bound by thousands of years. Feminine the psyche of a man, depressed, who transformed it into a secondary citizen of the world.
    27 August 2018
  • The respect and the attention of women to their health will avoid a lot of problems warn of serious and minor ailments in their early stages of development.
    24 August 2018
  • Very often the cause of quarrels in the family become the problems of intimate nature. What to do, how to restore the desire to raise other things, to increase an inner state of mind?
    16 August 2018