Very often the cause of quarrels in the family become the problems of intimate nature.
After having lived for some time together, people start to complain about what the sex steel, boring, banal, static. No storm of feelings, new sensations, the spouses do not have to.
What to do, how to restore the desire to raise other things, to increase an inner state of mind? Can come to the aid of aphrodisiacs.
Modern medicine offers a beautiful half of humanity various enhancers libido – tablets, tablets, vaginal suppositories, creams, ointments. But we today know as quickly horny woman by using folk remedies.

What aphrodisiacs are and what they are for women?
Aphrodisiacs are tools that are able to induce the person's sexual arousal. The term derives from the name of the goddess of love and beauty, of Ancient Greece, Aphrodite.
Aphrodisiacs help the person to strengthen the sexual instinct, even when you do not want to intimate.
Despite the fact that today there is a great amount of stimulation tablets, creams, lotions for women, it is better to resort to the help of natural aphrodisiacs.
They do not cause addiction, they do not need to look in specialised shops, because they are all around us.
The important thing is to know what products, plants, oil cause women the excitement.
Thanks to the natural aphrodisiac you can:
- create a romantic mood;
- to relax completely, to obtain the maximum enjoyment;
- intensify sexual desire;
- quickly get powerful and long lasting orgasm;
- to unleash even more nervous and humble girl;
- prevent menstruation painful, pathological processes in the mammary glands, genital venous stasis, frigidity achieving orgasm.
According to the perception, natural aphrodisiacs for women can be like taste (ingested during the meal) or primordium (smells).
The most powerful aphrodisiacs for women are those that:
- they have a natural composition;
- have been made properly and with love;
- prepare yourself, they are extracted from nature, and not by chemical means (without pads).
Food products with an exciting effect
The easiest way to increase libido – cook a romantic dinner by candlelight, where the main objective it is necessary to do on a platter. There are foods that stimulate desire in women.
Lift the romantic and sexy mood to help you:
- Oysters, shrimp, fish eggs – these are the fruits of the sea improves the quality of sex, increase the sexual activity, an energy buzz.
- Avocado – lights with the loving ardor because of the large amount of minerals, vitamins and fatty acids.
- Dark chocolate – what woman can give up the sweet? But in the black chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine are substances that enhance sexual activity. This sweet product, and it also promotes the production of estrogen, a hormone that increases the circulation of blood, regulates the menstrual cycle.
- Honey – this sweet, natural product of the bees contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, giving women a charge of vivacity, of strength.
- Watermelon. This juicy, sweet berry contains citrulline – the amino acid, improving the circulation of blood in the pelvic organs, which increases libido.
- Olives – stimulate the sexual instinct, to promote fertility.
- Bananas – the visual image (banana-shaped manhood), they still contain large amounts of vitamins, giving the woman the strength and energy to the linen is of the caresses.
- Quail eggs – normalize hormones, improves the functioning of the reproductive system, a beneficial effect on the health of the skin and hair.
The action of honey as an aphrodisiac has been noticed to the times of kievan Rus'. Then the guests have donated to the bride and groom barrels with honey. Those were supposed to drink the moon to drink for a month for the awakening of passion and success of conception. And it is here that is gone now consolidated, the expression "honeymoon".
Choosing foods-aphrodisiacs for women, it is important not to overdo it. Not worth the spoons to eat the honey, eat a watermelon or stick, chocolate black. In addition to the allergies and trivial excess food, dangerous appearance of abdominal swelling, flatulence, colic, nothing is achieved.
Eat foods-aphrodisiacs with the mind: it is sufficient to eat a slice of watermelon or banana, to stimulate sexual desire.
And it must necessarily take account of the characteristics of the body: if the honey is allergic, then, and do not need to eat, it is better to give preference to other products.

The essential oils, to awaken in women the passion
Olfactory enhancers, libido – smells in the same way, as products to be able to hone in on the feelings of the female sex.
The best erotic scents for you will be these aromatic oils:
- Rose oil – turn in a woman of passion, rejuvenates the skin, prevents premature aging. It is sufficient to add a couple of drops of rose oil in the bathroom, immerse yourself in it for 10 minutes, enjoy a floral aroma.
- The oil of ylang-ylang is the most popular aphrodisiac, used in expensive perfumes and cosmetic products. It quickly awakens the sensuality, the attraction through the spicy and warm fragrance. The oil it is possible to add aroma lamp, or catch up with him, the bathroom.
- The oil of bergamot – it improves the mood, eliminates anxiety, depression, helps a woman fast and easy to melt into the bed, relieves tension and fatigue. This oil can be used for erotic massage, and also add to the aroma lamp.
- Jasmine oil – helps to relax, calming, enhances libido, cleanses the coldness, the disharmony, gives self-confidence. This oil it is possible to add in cosmetics: body gel, cream, tonic, shampoo, or use for massage, drip a few drops in a bath, fragrance lamp.
- Oil of ginger. Many believe that ginger is a masculine scent, but it works the same way and for the women. You save infertility, eliminate sexual impotence, makes a woman desirable, feminine, free. Thanks to this oil girls easier and easier to respond to the imagination of the men.
The purchase of essential oils to improve the intimate mood in women, must necessarily take into account that only natural oils have a strong stimulating effect. Pharmaceutical synthetic oils to increase libido are not suitable.
Therefore, before you purchase, you must need to read the label. If it is written in Natural oil, so the natural oil; if there is written Fragrance – then it's not worth the purchase of this perfume.
Herb-aphrodisiacs for women
There are a large number of plants have a beneficial effect on female sexual arousal. Grass-aphrodisiac produced, take them directly in front of sexual
- Sage – prevents the appearance of frigidity, helps to create a better process of conception. The action of this plant is known in Ancient Egypt. Then this grass is considered sacred and has given its young women for the quick recovery of the population after the devastating wars and epidemics that have carried out a large number of people. Today, experts recommend that women drink the juice of fresh sage.
- Dill – helps to relax, promotes the long-awaited arrival of pregnancy. The dill you can add a variety of dishes, such as cheese, and in the dried form. In the latter case, it is important to prepare for storage: chop ceramic whiteboard, store in the dark bank. Instead of green you can use the seeds of fennel: beer as a tea. The same effect, such as dill, spinach.
- Margaret – from the flowers of this plant you can make a tea: 1 teaspoon of dried flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water, let stand 10 minutes. Drink in the form of heat, to increase sexual arousal and improve the taste of the drink, you can add a little honey.
- Clover – the flowers of this sweet herb can be produced: 1 teaspoon of flowers pour a glass of boiling water. You can also add fresh petals of red clover in salads.
- Melissa – she quickly relieves stress, combats fatigue and anxiety. Melissa sharpens and stimulates the senses. For the preparation of tea can be used both dry and fresh leaves of the plants.
- Lady's mantle is purely a female plant. The grass will help to remove the inflammation, rejuvenate the skin, attract the love, to support women's reproductive functions. To increase libido you can take it as a fresh and dried grass. Cool lady's mantle, it is possible to do salads and flour – prepare flavoured tea (2 tablespoons of plant in 200 ml of boiling water).
Do female aphrodisiac alone
Despite the fact that today sold a huge amount of funds, increase libido, all the experts are sure: it is better to make an aphrodisiac for the women with their hands.
So you'll be able to transfer all of your feelings the second half, and this will strengthen even more the impact an aphrodisiac. Here we present some recipes to improve the sexual desire.
Erotic sweet
Need these ingredients: quail eggs (8 pieces), honey (100 g), fresh raspberries (at discretion), gelatin (15 g).
Of egg proteins to foam, add the honey. For color, add in the foam of raspberry.
Soak the gelatine in cold water. Add the egg-honey mass. Put on slow fire to avoid boiling.
Then cool, pour the and put in the refrigerator. Erotic sweet for the lord ready.
Sensual salad
Ingredients: spinach, mushrooms, avocado, feta cheese. Mushrooms boil, avocado peel and seeds.
Prepared foods cut into small cubes, season with the sauce (mix the olive oil, the bite, the salt and sugar), decorate the top with sprigs of dill, and even pieces of fruit or berries.
Scents "scents of love"
Not to buy expensive perfumes, the better to go it alone, taking maximum advantage of tools that increase libido:
Add 10 ml of oil-base, for example, peach essential oil.
Add these essential oils: jasmine, rose (2 drops), oil of bergamot, or sandalwood (1 drop). Or you can add 3 drops of oil of ylang-ylang or 2 drops of jasmine.
Essential oils choose the flavor and sensations, to a girl I like the smell.

Causes of decreased libido
To rekindle the loving ardor of a woman, do not let it vanish, it is necessary to know what are the factors that reduce libido:
- structure;
- the stress;
- the lack of sleep;
- alcoholic beverages;
- junk food – salty, fatty, fried foods.
All these factors cause fatigue, have a negative influence on the health, depleting the nervous system, cause you want to.
So if a woman sleeps little, he smokes, he has abused alcohol and it doesn't nourish, there are natural methods of synthesis-aphrodisiacs don't help. You need to review your lifestyle and make changes to it.
Now you know what means, it is possible to turn extinct the sexual instinct. Foods-aphrodisiacs, scents, herbal teas – all of these types of aphrodisiacs can be skillfully put in the field in order to have a woman, make her excited.
The main thing – do not overdo it, use their expertise, have contributed, and it's not bad. And necessarily prepare the tools-aphrodisiacs with love.
It should also be remembered that the proper rest, proper diet and a good mood is a woman the assistants, and ensuring the health of the entire body, normalize sexual desire.