As a general rule, pain in the lower abdomen during sexual arousal is the result of increasing the flow of blood to the genitals: the uterus, ovaries and royal jelly tubes. Note! In the absence of orgasm in the venous system in the pelvic, the following occurs: the blood stagnates, and changes the structure of the veins of the small pelvis. And as a result expand, lose their elasticity, in a small basin formed venous stasis, leading to chronic pain. And this is a normal phenomenon. The aches and pains disappear, when the sexual arousal will have a logical conclusion, or by self-stimulation.
Note: Masturbation is considered to be the equivalent of a sexual relationship, and in the absence of a regular sex life helps to remove the excess of sexual excitement. In a reasonable radius of masturbation is not harmful. The excessive passion for this knowledge can appear as psychological dependence.
Causes of pain in the lower abdomen in women

If a woman when excited feels lancinating pain in the genital lips, which passes only after a couple of hours after the sexual intercourse, can cause: bartholinitis - inflammation big breast the vestibule of the vagina.
Bartolini breast - the two organs the size of a pea, located on each of the lips of the vagina. They are responsible for the selection of lubrication during sexual excitement. These glands can become inflamed, which is manifested by swelling and pain syndrome in the area of the lips and the vagina. The causes of bartholinitis' until the end of the unknown, probably, their are various microbes: staphylococci, gonococcus, etc immediate Treatment. In case of recurrent bartholinitis is shown the removal of the gland.
In some cases, the pain is a result of incomplete coherence of neural processes in the genitals (it is necessary to contact a specialist or a neurologist).
Causes painful and unpleasant sensations during the sexual intimacy are diseases of the sexual sphere, including a variety of diseases of the pelvic organs.
Pain at the entrance of the vagina may be due to:
- reduction of humidification
- thinning of the mucosa
- inflammatory processes, such as the bladder and the urethra
- inflammatory processes in the area of the vagina and of the vulva

Deep pelvic pain, diagnosed in women who have:
- diseases of the neck of the uterus
- adhesive process in pelvic organs
- cysts and tumor of the ovary
- external endometriosis genital
- apoplexy (gap) of the ovary
- uterine fibroids
- varicose veins pelvic
- chronic salpingoophoritis
In this case, a woman should be examined by a gynecologist. Only a timely diagnosis and timely started treatment of gynecological diseases can alleviate the pain and discomfort, to get back the pleasure of sexual intimacy.