White selection during the sex appear when excited. Call them vaginal lubricant. This mucus often colorless, transparent, but can sometimes purchase unusual color. Usually, the presence of these secretions is considered the norm, but sometimes it can indicate pathological changes in the body.
White selection during sex

Almost all of them during the sex, are observed in the white selection, volume increase as that increases the sexual desire. The excitement in the women is outstanding for the lubrication uniform consistency, has no smell.
During sexual intercourse is runny, because of influx of blood to the vaginal walls and the active stimulation of the sexual glands. The amount of mucus is skinny or too rich.
The secret, appears to be a moment of intimacy, performs several functions. First of all, it is sex is much more comfortable, as well as provides smooth and easy introduction. In addition, the mucus prevents the entrance into the body of pathogens and creates a protective barrier to the penetration of infections and germs. With the help of these secretions sperms is easier to move, and therefore, increase the likelihood of conceiving.
Natural causes secretions after sexual intercourse
Selection excitation is considered to be absolutely normal. Detachable white during the sex appears to be because of the fact that increases sexual desire. Abundant secretion observed during the mixing of semen and vaginal is a secret. When this discomfort is not celebrated. The increase in the volume of the mucus indicates that the sexual act has been completed, the ejaculation in the vagina.
Often, the reason for which appears clear mucus in great quantity, is a hypersensitivity.
Selection after the sexual contact can be different, so it is recommended that you read additional information on this topic.
The vaginal secretions of the nature of pathological
In addition to natural causes of the appearance of mucus, during sexual intercourse, there are a number of pathological conditions, indicate serious problems in the body. Of concern is the color change and the smell of a secret.
An unpleasant odor may indicate that the microflora of the natural vagina has been broken, and it is in this context, it is developed bacterial vaginosis. Thick curdled consistency indicates the presence of such a disease, such as candidiasis. Foamy secretion is a symptom of trichomoniasis.
The Cheerleaders should look brownish, bleeding during sexual intercourse. They may indicate corruption of the genitourinary system and the development of serious diseases. In accordance vaginal the secret must be transparent, white or colorless and have no smell. The appearance characteristic aroma is allowed only in the case in which the intimacy was complete-the ejaculation in the vagina.
Bacterial vaginosis
If the microflora of the vaginal is broken, then it is intense proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and thus you develop bacterial vaginosis. This is a common disease, in which the color and texture of the mucus is basically unchanged. Perhaps also the appearance of bleeding during sex.
The characteristic symptoms of the disease are considered to be itching and burning in the genital area, but also gray or yellow highlighter, have an unpleasant smell foul fish. The volume of a secret in this disease increases greatly during sex.
Bacterial vaginosis need treatment in a timely manner. In the absence of therapy, there is a great risk of penetration into the reproductive system of the infection and the development of the inflammatory process in the cavity of the uterus or appendages.

White discharge in women after intimacy should not be a cause for concern. A worrying sign thought of changing their font, and color. Similar symptoms often indicate the penetration in the body of infections and the development of sexually transmitted diseases.
One of these diseases is trichomoniasis. Often the disease is asymptomatic, but in some cases, women appear foamy thick selection odourless and note the feeling of discomfort – itching. The symptomatology is very similar to bacterial vaginosis.
After the intimacy of the secret, there is often the mixture of blood and appear pain in the stomach area.
Yeast infection of the vagina
A yeast infection is one of the most common diseases of women. Its main clinical manifestations are considered to be a burning sensation and itching in the genital area, and even selection, from which emanates an unpleasant smell.
On the background of the development of the disease in women begin to severe itching to the genitals. As A result of combing in the affected areas, it appears the rash is observed on the redness. Accompanying symptoms of disease is considered painful urination. The skin are damaged, contact with the urine you experience pain and a strong burning sensation.
Furthermore, the appearance of curdled mucus with a characteristic sour taste. The amount of secretions can increase during times of intimacy, and the smell of when this becomes even more tangible.
The treatment and prevention
The treatment depends on which disease caused the appearance of unusual secret. In the case of mechanical damage of the vaginal or cervical damaged the destiny to impose seams.
With the development of sexually transmitted diseases have resorted to the use of the funds, the gynecologist collects individually. When the intake of drugs prescribed at the same time two sexual partner.
In case of violation of the microflora of the vaginal and the development of bacterial vaginosis are assigned to vaginal suppositories. In the case of lily of the valley takes place antifungal therapy, there are effective drugs for the simultaneous treatment of thrush in men and women.
If you have been diagnosed with cervical erosion, the use of his cauterization. Identified polyps, and other neoplasms compulsorily removed.
For the prevention of disease, able to cause the appearance of pathological mucus, it is necessary to follow these recommendations:
- Cleaning of intimate areas, it is necessary to perform twice a day and use when this is not the normal soap and special means, helps to normalize the acid-base balance.
- Timely replacement of daily strips.
- Do not wear synthetic underwear, no matter how beautiful it may seem.
- Avoid casual sex.
- Correctly organize the diet.
- Try to move more.
Selection of lubrication during sexual intercourse is considered a normal phenomenon. The appearance of mucus does not indicate the development of the disease, but only in that case, if you have no smell, and characterized by transparency. The change of tone of the exhaust, and the emergence of symptoms accompanying this is the opportunity for the immediate treatment of a doctor.