What are the signs of sexual arousal? These questions are many representatives of the stronger sex. It is very important to capture the moment when the girl is ready to move on to more intimate actions.

There are two groups of signs of excitation of women. The ones that you can see and you can feel. The girls often try to hide his interest in the male sex. But not all, of the reactions of the body lend themselves to conscious control. Do not worry! The language of the body will show all her secret desires.
The mystery of this female physiology
Women, unlike men, physiology excitation-organized is much more difficult. The interaction of hormones. Furthermore, it cannot be underestimated the value of the prelude. Help the girl to tune in to the right wave, then reaching the peak of pleasure. Of course, there are exceptions, when the passion literally covers every cell of his body in a matter of seconds. But let's be honest, this doesn't happen often.
We seek to finally understand what is going on with the female body during arousal. There was a strong inflow of blood to the pelvic organs. Lips increase and become more soft. It also grows in terms of size and the clitoris, something similar to erection in men. Clitoris — a highly sensitive. Then, when blandior his beloved's attention, a strong depression or friction can cause discomfort.
Below is distinguished by a large number of vaginal lubrication. The entrance to the vagina a bit in the expansion, in preparation to a sexual act. It is interesting to note that at this time the girls can appear to be characteristic movements of the pelvis.
The main signs of arousal in female
Suppose that your relationship long reached a new level. How to recognize a signal to the sex?
The body of a girl will tell you a lot about yourself. The important thing is to know where to look.
In the first place, please note the capacity in which the lady has come to you for a meeting. On it clingy dress, blouse with deep neckline, or scandalous short mini-shorts? Maybe a woman wants to impress and awaken your instincts.
A symptom of a powerful attraction to a man is the posture. The girls will arch your back and keep your posture and then, for the breast and buttock were appetizing rounded shape.
The external symptoms of excitement are quite obvious. Experts of a man with a single glance you can understand the playful attitude of his companion.
For this there are the following signs:
- Face. On the cheeks it appears easy or espresso blush. It can be evaluated in two ways: either she is already calidum, or even shy.
- Eyes. Strong dilation of the pupils, even in the full light of day, dimidium-clausa eyelids, flapping their eyelashes, coquettish wink of the eyes, and perky, glitter say that the lady is not indifferent.
- The gaze is concentrated only on you, aims to the lips or other parts of the body.
- Skin. The reddish, because of the expansion of surface vessels. The whole body is covered with the connection sweat. When your tangit or compliments can be covered in the "creeps".
- Lips. Half-closed, dry, the lady will try to moisturize their language. A characteristic sign flirt — mordentes lips of mira's passionate gaze.
- The palm of the hand. Often wet. The girl does not know where to put your hands. Will begin to touch your hair, tapping your fingers on the table, the irresponsible press.
- The breathing. Speeds up, becoming shallow, uneven. In the case of strong sexual excitement, sometimes manifested a sense of lack of oxygen. Sign that girl to the limit. When the mouth-throat, often dry, and the girl has convulsively to swallow the saliva.
- The wrist. As for the case, touch the forearm of the girl: his heart rate up to the maximum values.
- The voice. Suddenly the whole inherent to women, he disappears. The answers are simple. Or, in general, can the abyss with no words. The voice is changing the wind, or languid. However, it is not mandatory to factor that depends on the nature and the relaxation of a girl.
- Nipples. Solid, tumidum, looked through the clothes. In a moment of excitement are more sensitive to the touch.

The above symptoms are not 100% reliable. They are not only when the libido, and during the normal interest in the opposite sex. In addition, they also manifest themselves in other situations (swelling of the nipple to cold, sweating of the hands when all the furies).
IMPORTANT!You need to by all the parties to assess the situation with the lady, and not from one or two of the symptoms.
The behavior of the lord and his sexy intentions
Depending on the intention of the sexual of a woman, the theme of your interview can vary. The questions appear to report sexual experience, or even offers to move in more of a friendly place.
The fairer sex also can show your interest to intimate behavior.
A woman wants you if you:
- contributes to case feel;
- seductive lead up and down the leg of a glass;
- translates the themes into a deep mainstream;
- bare shoulders and undoes the button on the neckline.
The neck is very strong erogenous lunch. His caresses can testify that the lady is ready to make love with you right here and now.
Your partner will be persistent attempts of nudis his body: omittitur halter or unbuttoned button on his chest.
In the moment of greatest desire girl will be literally up to you to go. When a kiss strong hold of himself, giving to understand that "you are mine." In the case of strong passion, he feels her nails on his back. In the contact of bodies, from the chest, your treasure will be burst of sweet moan.
IMPORTANT!!!"Often" a pinch of desire for intimacy will touch and caress your penis, scrotum or buttocks.
The reaction which two organs impossible to imitate?
Men remember that the girls there are just two genuine characteristic sexual desire, nipples and clitoris. With the first there are no problems, so how can they be visible, even when the woman is dressed in a sweater or thin bra. And here is the second one you can just feel it. In case you do not yet have access to her panties, is not a problem. Gently the hand on the inner part of the thighs. Even through the jeans, feels the softness of the heat and humidity.
Keep in mind that, even if all of the following signs, the case before coitus may not arrive. In addition to physical arousal in women, an important role is also the psychological factor. Here come into play the compliments, attention, and, of course, the prelude. Give time for the passions reached its peak.
Total: top 10 signs of arousal in female
Then, we select the 10 main signs of sexual desire in women:

- Redness of the face, maybe the neck and the décolleté.
- Breathing and the heartbeat.
- The dilation of the pupils, eyes flirtatious, dimidium-clausa eyelids.
- A hoarse voice, slight moan.
- Hard nipples peeking out from under the clothes.
- Irresistible desire to touch her man.
- To talk about sex.
- Posture, characteristic wiggle your hips when you walk.
- The enlargement of the clitoris and big lips.
- Panties wet.
Remember that the desire for intimacy occurs in women in the head. Must make a good impression, give flowers and make your woman more attention. Leaves to understand that you are excited, as well as for you is the most desirable and sexy woman in the world. In this case, the reaction of his body not disappoint you for sure.