It is an erogenous zone part of the human body, exerting an effect that you can get a sexy, colorful excitement. Lord have similar erotic spots in large volumes in different places. The fact is that men and women most of them have a superficial understanding. Very sorry, because the actual sexual act in women, and the lord only comes out after the preparatory touch to this "covenant" places.

The touch needs to be the right one. Women's bodies are arranged in such a way that if it touches him, mistakenly, as a touch, they are disgusting. What are sacred buttons (erogenous zones) have on the lord, and that you should do with them?
How to find the erogenous point for the ladies
A man is easier to find a more excitable "buttons" on the female body, if done in perfect conditions for complete relaxation partner. Only then it is necessary to proceed to their research, using a gentle touch and kisses. In principle, reveal erogenous special – this is the goal for both partners. Man must find and study more areas of the body of the partner. The lady needs to give a tip partner as part of his body has a greater sensitivity.
It's not worth it to dwell only on the field, which are erogenous zones, and in women and in men (chest, neck, genital area). You can find the buttons on the body of a woman can be in almost all places. They start from the tip of the fingers up to the root of the hair. All the point are linked together. When the experimental result with the hands or the tongue according to the connecting wires, can be upset and also open new stimulation location. You should only give them enough attention. Certainly, the woman must give consent to these acts of men, and strongly encourage them. She must make him kiss and smooth where it seems to him. When the body of the lord shall be revealed new points and concerns to his hostess, absolutely not for the fact that respond will be on their "discoverer". Important is that working the points of excitation will be only when it is tender and right proclamation with them.
The most famous of the "intimate" are: on the lips and on the tongue, on the lobes of the ears, the dimple around the clavicle, in the area around the nipple (the nipple). The vagina and the clitoris, the area of the belly around to the pubis, navel, neck, buttocks, the area under the shoulder blades, the area below the knee and the waist area, also the inner surface of the thighs and the upper part of the third part of the thighs (the outer part) – it is also erogenous zones.
Primary, secondary catalysts
The touch of the lips. All the erogenous zones of a woman's body is a sensitive catalysts from nature, the so-called primary. Some ladies have such places in the complex, the other in a selective manner. Together with the primary and secondary of the points, which open in a uniform way, together with the experience. They are often housed in fact in all places, and react in a grey-green of different impacts. Confirmed that all erogenous point to react positively to the kisses. Remember that the particular touch sponges in the various sections of the female body to define the characteristics of respondents to the caress of the place. Erogenous zones can be located on the elbows or even on the trail he loved. Effort during the search of the erogenous points are necessary, because their total is a professional – incomparable and unforgettable sex.