The intimate side of a relationship is so important, because the feelings among young people. But there are times when the passion fades, and the girl, more and more often, avoid away. Experts say that the most frequent cause of such behavior — the lack of sexual arousal. In this regard, the question of how quickly excite a girl significant among all the male half of society.

In reality, the process of excitation of a woman's complex and multi-faceted, if compared with the excitation in the male. Have your favorite girl, you can not only touch contact, a prelude, but also the right words and speeches. Experts are quick to call the most effective options started, as well as all of the areas of dots on the body of a woman, who will soon bring his "battle" activities.
The character of the girl and her excitability
Few people know that sexual arousal has also different symptoms and characteristic signs, as many processes in the human body. To bring a girl in active status sexual, a man needs to be placed in a morally and physically. A man only need to insert the correct accents on the preferences the same girl, and her erogenous zones.
By its nature and the processes in the body of all women are different, and therefore, the process of excitation of all happens in a different way. A girl can be obtained from a passionate kiss, one more will be enough pairs obscene slogan, the third soul will have a relaxing massage. Experts say that only in a relationship where the man knows the nature of the body of the woman and her preferences, the excitation arrives as quickly as possible.
If men love with their eyes, and the spectacular view, the girl already can be immediately excited, and the women is much more difficult. Its also attracts the man, a strong dominant image, using the compliments and words of admiration, using tactile contact, is in the area of his trust, and always finds the time to talk with her. Male arousal manage instinct of female psychology.
That you can use
To easily excite a girl home, the man is sufficient to analyze his character, the psychology, the preferences, that is, serves only his to know. The experts in this will help you to locate the erogenous zones and the best ways to sexual stimulation. To excite a woman, it is enough to go through the different phases of the sexual caresses, kisses, touch, sweet words and caresses.
The most important and the usual mode of transmission of feelings, affection and tenderness — kisses in the pair. If the young are for a long time in a relationship, you can learn different techniques of kisses, in order to diversify their love life. Rapidly excite a woman with the help of kisses as follows:
- caress the lips of men from the lips of a woman;
- kiss with the penetration of the language that caresses the tongue of a woman and the sky;
- gradual lips touch the lips with the progressive penetration of the language.
According to the physiology without a quick kiss to excite the girl is unsuccessful, even if many men underestimate the importance of this phase of the preliminaries. Consequently, the kiss is the main generator of the beginning of intimate contact that can last throughout the sexual intercourse, fueling the passion and emotion partner. If she refuses the kiss, the reason of this may be bad breath, poor oral hygiene or low sensitivity to this type of stroking.
Relax physiologically and mentally to the girl, it is possible by means of tactile contact. To start can be put to bed, accompanying the process of delicate touches to his body. Via touch can be in the following format:
- touch the body of a girl with the fingers of the hands and the tongue;
- you can decide to bold experiments to be touched, to rekindle her passion;
- through the skillful use of the hands, it is possible to bring a girl up to when near to orgasm;
- touch the girl is from top to bottom, increasing the degree of emancipation.

After you touch it, you can gradually move sexual the head and direct the sexual act. The tactile sensation — the favourite pastime of the girls by virtue of their greater sensitivity, a man you can apply the hands to the tongue, do erotic, or simply a relaxing massage, with the use of the process of the erogenous points of the body. Important, for a touch were delicate, that does not give pain and discomfort.
Caresses and words
Sexual arousal in women occurs not only physically, but also in his brain. Therefore, to strengthen the feelings and strengthen the feeling of being in words. In general, experts recommend with the right combination of words to develop intimate contact. Dilettantesi the voice of a woman, can awaken in you the instinct, to refine the feelings, awaken the desire and make you free.
The words must be the first phase of the preliminaries, during this, some women like when a man speaks to you in a specific format during the sexual intercourse. The words can be different variants — affectionate and sweet words of love, congratulations and words of admiration, in the vernacular and in particular the words of the order in the form of the game, obscene phrases, and also the recognition of his irresistible desire towards her.
Erogenous zones
On the body of each person there are a number of erogenous points, whose stimulation causes sexual arousal, the relaxation of the body, the awakening of passion and animal instinct. Every woman has the most active and least effective points of the track which is only possible through trial and error through their stimulation and the study of reactions of a woman for partner action.
Excite the girl, with the help of the impact on the erogenous zones as possible, according to the following algorithm:
- touch with the fingers of the hands and the tongue;
- a quick step the impact of the area of the body to another.
Experts point out that in every woman there are different types of erogenous points — weak, medium and strong. Develop a caress can be with the weak, for the construction of stimulation increased, sexual arousal. If moving in the wrong direction, this can lead to overstimulation and rapid loss of interest in the girl for the sexual act.
Erogenous sensitive area sensitivity
The first in the process of sex play between partners are usually used more peaceful erogenous point. Rarely when decrease the girl at the underwear, but carry the feelings of pleasure and relaxation.
This category includes the following areas:
- neck;
- hair;
- hands;
- eyes;
- ears.
You can start with a touch to the head, cheat or hair, or their pose, touch the crown of the head or behind the head. Effective massage of the scalp, which accelerates blood circulation, increases natural impulses of the body, and disables the distractions of thoughts in the head. Then you can go to the chest and neck, taking advantage of the lips and tongue. Kissing can spread not only to the neck, but pass on the collarbone and shoulders.

Still sensitive to kisses area — the fingers and hands of a woman. Don't forget the ears, in the process of kissing you can whisper beautiful words, compliments, and even vulgar offerings to excite the brain of a woman. An incredible feeling you will experience, if with the help of the lips and tongue caress the lobe of the ears, licking the ear of a sink.
Place of average sensitivity
After that the man "worked" the area of the middle sensitivity, you can switch to the more serious stimulation. A delicate point of the average degree of sensitivity are:
- the chest;
- the thighs and buttocks;
- back;
- lips.
As practice shows, the chest respond appropriately to any touch, especially, do not overdo it with the exposure. If the man touches the milk glands in the period of ovulation, the result is sometimes stronger. There are girls with a high degree of excitability, that can give you orgasm by touching them on the breasts and nipples.
Even in bed with a girl, the man can do a massage the buttocks, back, life, from blows with the hands, the finishing touches of the lips and tongue. The most attention possible to dedicate an area called the "cat place", i.e. an area of the back between the shoulder blades. Kisses and touch here will cause a huge pleasant sensations of the girl.
Thanks to the massage and touch weather in these areas in the body accelerates the flow of blood and, therefore, the blood more quickly to reach the pelvic organs. This creates a natural excitement in saline, which is called the women's "butterflies in the stomach". Strengthen the effectiveness of such a to stimulate the erogenous zones average degree of sensitivity kisses and points of impact on the language of the outline of the lips of the girl.
The final stage
Now, after a full and effective foreplay when the woman is ready for the sexual act, the man can safely pass to the stimulation of the most active erogenous zones — the inner side of the thighs and groin. Stroking must be the first line of the legs, with hands and lips, moving gradually to more main place — the genitals of a woman.
In general, the horse is divided in different zones:
- clitoris;
- the entire area of the back wall of the vagina to the anus;
- lips;
- the vestibule of the vagina.
The most sensitive area — the clitoris stimulation, which can accelerate the onset of orgasm. It is also possible to improve the excitement of contact, acting on the whole area of the back wall of the vagina to the anus, by adding in a ratio of spices. The greatest number of nerve endings observed in the field the vestibule of the vagina and the labia minora. To stimulate these areas is possible during the sexual intercourse, to strengthen the feeling during orgasm.
Important nuances, that it is worth considering
To quickly excite a girl, a man always in the arsenal of three types of weapons — non-verbal signals, voice, and the feel of it. Particular attention should be paid to the entry, after having worked in advance. For this it is necessary to take account of the velvety voice and caress playful intonations. It is also worthwhile to improve the language of the body, taking care to adjust the posture, the external confidence in themselves, without brakes and fluid movements.

The wizard of a pick-up it is recommended that you use a methodology of "sticky eye", i.e. don't carry a girl's eyes and smile, giving the visual perception contact a sort of mystery. Place a remote, romantic atmosphere, congratulations and a manifestation of admiration for my partner. One must never rush things, as this can seem like the psychological pressure, accompanied by the suspension.
If a man can excite only one blunt and a sexy look, to excite women need time and several tricks of the trade. Conquer a girl can be outspoken conversation, compliments, admiration for its beauty. Next important is the tactile contact, i.e. a touch, a kiss and a hug. Excite and customize the sexual act will help the impact on the erogenous spot on his body.