Statistics show that many women simulate an orgasm during sex with your usual partner. The reason for this, as we have seen, often is not enough to have a serious attitude to both the pre-weasel. Inexperienced sexually men, usually, try to get as soon as possible to the main acts, do not try to understand, the more excited if the girl. While for women foreplay play more a significant role, but, not wanting to leave the burning desire favorite, the women are ready overlooked a rule simple and fun – get to the excitement.

Questions about what excites your partner the most strong of all, they are the men and women. To learn something of the fantasies in the lord heads the representatives of the stronger sex trying from time immemorial, and I have to say that this has yielded its results. Expert men who have visited the pages of our book, it is now well known about the different ways of excitation of the girls: from the stimulation and massage of the right kind of special techniques of stroking. We will give practical advice and who is going to excite a girl for sex with her for the first time, if it seems too difficult a task.
Despite the fact that the need of guys in a prelude much less expressed, to neutralize completely the role of male excitement would be wrong. It is exactly the principle of the mechanism of sexual response the representatives of the stronger sex displays backlight: turns on and immediately turns off, quick-heating, and just as quickly cools down.
Sometimes the kids can excite expertise designed for words and phrases, turn on the spark of love in a partner for a couple of seconds to succeed, and with a kiss, if a girl is known about the most sensual places on her body. If a woman is aware the secret techniques and points, which allow to excite a man with the hands, to please his chosen to the bed, a seductress capable of without too much difficulty.
Don't forget to individuality ways of excitement for all. Practical advice for girls and men in our section, to understand that they need their goal to bed. Foreplay and sexy foreplay – the search for a common denominator, that can slow loving pace partner and warm-up partner, in a synchronous manner by directing them towards the culmination of mutual enjoyment.
Sexual arousal in women: the signs and characteristics
Sexual arousal of women: the main methods of excitation
Excite a woman is not as easy as man, then, to get the full of the sex equally enjoyable for both partners, it is important to understand the main characteristics of female sexuality. Sexual arousal in women has a number of internal and external physiological signs:
- the extension of the walls of the vagina;
- the greater elasticity of the penis;
- selection of lubrication;
- swelling of the clitoris;
- blood flow to the small sexual lips;
- hormonal bursts.
You need to get pleasure from sex. The muscles quite excited vagina are able to contract in such a way that the walls will be like wrapping the penis, providing a powerful stimulation of nerve endings in both the genitals and the incomparable pleasure.
Characteristics of sexual arousal in women
- First of all, it is important to understand that the female body is organized in a different way than the male body. Especially with regard to sexuality. The excitement of a woman, the appearance of her the desire for intimacy requires a large amount of conditions. This process does not happen quickly, as the men, and slowly, gradually increasing up irresistible languor. Remember, that in and of itself, the expectation of an imminent sexual contact and causes excitation of a woman automatically. Many are indifferent to the mind of the male genitalia. Demonstration of the penis can also cause a reaction of rejection, disgust and repulsion.
- Sexual arousal in women increases much more than men, but it is more durable and does not stop in a few minutes.
- Remember that sexual desire only appears during prolonged foreplay, the impact on the erogenous zones of the girl. Without this the vagina simply is not ready to mate, and the introduction of the penis into the these conditions can cause injury to the delicate organ. Later, unsatisfied girl will be still longer deny inattentive partner nearby.
- Also plays an important role furnishing: lighting, interior, odors, the presence or absence of music, and so on. Some women may not be excited only in particular conditions, for example in the car.
The main ways to arouse sexual desire
It is important to understand that female arousal depends on many factors, without which even the proper technique for incentive intimate places will not allow you to get the right state of mind.
- First of all, make sure that your preferred wants. It is important to understand that women have periods of lack of desire to have sex. The insistent harassment of her in this moment, only to lead to a quarrel. But even in case of failure surrounds a woman's concern. For this she will thank you later, because nothing excites more strong, more attention on the part of a dear person, who is not limited by the need to have sex.
- An important role has properly chosen the atmosphere. Discreetly ask about her favorite smell, color, taking care of relaxing music, soft, cozy bed. Then the girl, you don't need long foreplay.
- Remember that a woman loves the ears. Praise her dress, take a couple of nice compliments. Relax the massage, caresses and kisses. And only when his desire to reach high enough, you can proceed to the base of the foreplay.
- A woman is excited most strongly after a long break in the sexual life, because in the case of withdrawal, the body requires you to drain and stimulates the sexual arousal.
- Plays a huge role in female monthly cycle. In the period of ovulation is the best time for conception of a child – like excite a girl a lot easier. And here directly on the eve of menstruation, sexual excitement, is, on the contrary, to the downside. Increases the irritability, periodically, will be experience pain in the stomach area. At the first sign listed it's not worth to offer to the girl to have sex, because this will ensure that only regular backlash. So do not forget about the characteristics of the female body.
- Moving on, finally, to the stimulation of more erogenous zones of a woman, her vagina, clitoris, breast, proceed with caution. And try to impress. For this in the male arsenal there is a lot of funds: the lips, the fingers, a strong excitation will cause the caresses of the labia majora and the clitoris with the tip of the conservative of the penis. But don't forget to follow the reaction is your favorite for a caress, to understand that she likes, and what not. If you notice the first sign of dissatisfaction, it is possible to stop the effect unpleasant.

The most important thing in sex is love, and not the opposite. For your caress, excited, for the desire reached its highest point, the woman needs to feel loved. Surround care and attention. Then, taking into account the recommendations referred to above, the arousal of a woman it won't cause problems.