When in a sexual relationship, the woman experiences discomfort manifests as a burning sensation, and also the constant dryness of the vagina, which means that his body produces an insufficient amount of vaginal mucus. It is a reversible condition, and to return to its former quality of the intimate life, to make it pleasant, it is necessary to understand the causes of the lack of training in vaginal lubrication and prescribe a treatment.
The lack of secretions prior to the sexual act is dangerous, it can appear cracks on the walls of the vagina. The damaged areas are subject to infections, including transmission through the blood — HIV, hepatitis b and C.

What is the lubrication of the vagina? The organ does not contain its glands, producitur.
The composition of the secretions complicated:
- cells mucous membranes are constantly exfoliating epithelial;
- the bacteria of the microflora: natural;
- the secret, product ceruicis uterine and adrenal glands.
A greater quantity of these selections is formed in a period of an active sex life. Particularly evident this process occurs immediately prior to the sexual act as a result of the excitation.
As it appears as a vaginal secret
During all the sexual intercourse continues to stand out fat in women. Where are you from? As soon as he gets the sexual arousal to the pelvic organs blood flows. The blood vessels that carry with it not only oxygen but also moisture, which appears as a selection on the walls of the vagina. It is interesting to note that vaginal fluid, counteracting the friction, not only protects the female sex organs, but also the penis in men, from the breaking of the frenulum.
The secret, which stands for girls during the excitation, contains in itself the microflora and the white blood cells, thus protects the female body from a possible infection. It is important to keep track of what the highlighting colors when excited and after sexual intercourse.
Ideally, before sexual activity should not be the coloration, and after may appear white lubrication of the girl, if you have not used the condom. The white give an excess of sperm, which are expelled.
When the lubricant for the vaginal sex takes on other nuances, it is an opportunity to ask the gynecologist. When there is no lubrication of any or all of the selection very poor, in a sexual relationship it is recommended that you use lubricating artificial.

Causes of poor selection of lubrication
Natural vaginal lubricating gel can stop to stand out in the right amount, if:
- must enjoy some contraceptives (such as vaginal and oral), suppress the production of female hormones;
- it is the improper use of sanitary pads during menses (change rarely, of the night, they are replaced with strips);
- there is an infectious disease of the sexual sphere;
- there is a change in the endocrine system;
- the woman is in a state of constant stress and high emotional stress;
- shower gel and soap simple constantly wash the private parts;
- the woman has entered menopause.
Also to an excessive vaginal dryness can lead to bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse.
After the birth, when the walls of her vagina stretched, sometimes also observed a reduction of vaginal secretions, but with the passing of time, toning the body back to normal, and the secretion is restored.
How to fight with the lack of vaginal secretion
- If it is not suitable for birth control pills, you need to replace the other. When the gynecologist insists the instrument, that it has prescribed, citing age, recent pregnancy, etc., then you need to see another doctor.
- Use the tampons need instructions, and the night, better to replace the pads. When menstruation abundant, generally do not use tampons, because the risk of toxic shock syndrome. Preferably the first day of menstruation spend with the strips, and then move on to tampons. At the same time, and the production of the vaginal secret will return to normal.
- The infection of the genital tract need to treat, and then selection the vaginal lubrication returns to normal.
- Hormonal causes of character relieved with medications that prescribe the gynecologist or endocrinologist, after a study of the endocrine glands.
- Menopause funds are disbursed to hormone replacement therapy, creams with estrogen.
- If the case in situations of stress, the one that showed relaxation, care in the vacation and also change jobs more quiet.
- For the hygiene of the external genitalia is necessary to apply the special funds, which do not dry the skin and mucous membranes. In these gels, and soaps a reduced content of alkali, no alcohol, and other irritants. It is recommended to perform treatments with no antibiotics, because they can destroy the microflora.

It is dangerous if the redundancy of the secretions?
Because the girls "run" when excited ? This natural process of the preparation of the body to the congress. But because there is a lot of lubrication of the woman outside of sexual acts? We can consider this disorder hormonal? Often period, when the fat stands out too intensely, coincides with the time most favourable for conception of a child.
It's not only the days of ovulation, but of a particular age. It is a sort of allusion from the body, which is ready to carry a pregnancy of a fetus and birth of a child. Does anyone have this happens in 20-25 years, and someone five or ten years later. Especially if it is not the first birth. If this type and color of discharge is not changed, then there is no reason to think the disease.
The psychological problems associated with the abundance or lack of vaginal lubrication
The excess vaginal discharge can cause psychological problems: the girl can banal hesitate to this event. When there is a lack of vaginal lubrication, can be the result of a psychological problem — disorders of libido.
Failure of excitation leads to the fact that lubrication, it excels in the correct quantities. In this situation, the woman is better to go to the sex therapist. When the excess or the lack of mucus adequately perceived sexual partner, the sex therapist will need to go to him.