Physiologically, any person passes through these stages of the cycle of sexual response, which are constructed of: sexual desire, sexual arousal, and, consequently, the orgasm and the resolution phase.
For the adjustment of the functions of the sexual sphere of man and the nature were created in these organs, such as the cerebral cortex, so the subcortical education, and some of the centers in the spinal cord. All of the centers that regulate the sexual function are closely related, and, of course, are in close interaction, exactly obey it, and form a single whole system.
Sexual attraction, excitement and therefore the orgasm

The sexual desire or libido depends on a biologically correct functioning of the endocrine glands, the testes in men and the ovaries in women, the adrenal glands to the representatives of both sexes, and also caused by the metabolism. And, of course, sexual desire, arousal and orgasm can not be achieved without the participation and the normal functioning of the brain.
A healthy adult a person the degree of excitability sexual centers, as well as the strength of sexual desire taken to define the level of hormones.
There is a company wholly owned by the sexual addiction from an anthropological differences, for example, a brunette, and dark-skinned have a strong sexual attraction, which the blonde. Another example of people not high-growth sexual desire may be stronger than the high. The women reported the physical, to reach orgasm requires a greater amount of caresses, and the efforts of others, of chubby. In people of the countries of the south with the warmer climate libido brighter and stronger. Temperament the southern, indeed, more actively developed, than that of the north.
Of course, excitability, sexual of men and women is radically different. Often sexual arousal in women, lower than that of men. The male desire, usually, is that, even before direct contact, during sexual intercourse, the excitement increases very quickly., and the erection occurs very quickly, and after the resolution of sexual excitement and, of course, the erection disappears completely.
In addition to hormones and different erotic of caresses, to stimulate the sexual function can and some of the main stimuli.
This type of sexual stimuli exclusively individual for every individual, and are due personally their performance on the basis of sex, her sexual experience, and her sexy ideal.
Affect sexual arousal is capable of music in the first place, exerting a stimulating effect on the depth of the structure of the brain, and also she is able to awaken the memories of the erotic association, and other sexual experiences
Women are able to address psycho-emotional impact of any pathogens bit weaker than men.
Women often have of themselves and the expectation of a sexual relationship does not cause sexual arousal, but most of the men when in expectation of an imminent sexual contact is expressed in the sexual excitement.
What is important to remember, that by nature, man and female sexuality vary greatly.
Among other things, sexual arousal may be due not only to the influence of some hormones and pathogens, but also when exposed to pure mechanical stimulation, this is a different type of stimulation, and stimulating sexual petting, and so, the same special touch to the regions, which are particularly sensitive to the touch.
Famous sexologist, american Masters, W. and Johnson. in the implementation of sexual arousal show some of the stages of implementation, namely the plateau phase, the phase of the onset of orgasm, and the phase of the so-called inverse development.

In a first phase, a phase of sexual arousal in normal men after a short period of time, usually up to thirty seconds after sexual stimulation is increased blood flow to the organs of the pelvis, and the same goes for the difficulty of outflow of blood because of a certain compression of the veins. That leads to a strong increase of the penis size, the increase usually occurs in two or three times, the penis becomes hardness, and greatly lengthened up to seven to eight inches long. As only the erection is reached, the body of men immediately start to fight for the liberation from the sexual tension, for a certain discharge.
If friction nerve endings of the penis on the vaginal walls during sexual contact, the density of the contact will be a sufficient erection that will always be the intensification and the sexual excitement will increase. Man will become more frequent breathing and strengthen the heartbeat, perhaps, becomes red in the face.
If abruptly the contact, the sexual excitement can be quite strong, and sometimes quite slowly weaken, and the veins expand, the flow of blood to the stars. That in turn will lead to a reduction in penis size, and opadanie. If the contact to recover, and the erection is thus able to recover quickly.
After all, it is not a secret that a woman needs more time to prepare for the sexual contact, and to influence his erogenous zones need much longer, which can quickly lead to a sufficient degree of sexual excitement, and the ability to admit to singing in the vagina.
Of course, some women are more temperamental, are not very high secretory activity of the ovaries, how women can reach the drain even faster than some men.
However, the average woman with an average temperament, much more difficult to start the sexual contact, rather than a man, and in the absence of a sufficient amount of foreplay the sexual organs of a woman may not be prepared for a sexual act, the walls of the vagina almost closed, are quite close to each other, the lubrication is still missing, the elasticity is not yet developed. The sexual arousal of a woman can appear and increase only when a preliminary, it is sometimes enough prolonged exposure to his erogenous zones.
The phase of sexual arousal of women is very similar with the excitement phase of the male. This increases the flow of blood to the pelvic organs. Small lips will grow in size, and even two, three times, which can change its color, from pale pink can become almost a bright red. The clitoris is also nabuhnet, called the female sexual organ of feeling, is able to increase the middle, sometimes twice, as the penis, the clitoris becomes rich. So it becomes doughy, sexually aroused vagina, the blood vessels of the vagina are filled with blood, the heat, the muscles of his will begin to decline spontaneously, the vagina, the more it shrinks, which in turn will help to more closely contact and friction with the male penis during sexual intercourse.
In addition to the above, in the case of strong sexual arousal the sexual organs of a woman to acquire a sufficient humidity, vagina, highlights the necessary lubrication, which is capable of facilitating the sliding of the penis into the vagina.
But when a state of quiet women of the vaginal wall so closely linked to one another, which remains only a small crack. In a state of sexual arousal the vagina will lengthen and expand, the cervix will be ' up and back. The diameter of the vagina so it will increase in the vagina will appear for a bit of free space, which will host the seminal fluid.
When you experience a buildup of excitement, and this feeling reaches the heights required, and then remains in this state for a certain period of time, know that this is the plateau phase. This is the phase in which the vagina adapts to the shapes and the dimensions of the penis. The partners feel the other's body. A woman's Vagina, or rather the third part, can be reduced by half, if we compare its dimensions with the dimensions in the previous step, and takes the appearance of a narrow tube. The muscles in the vagina in the female, a sufficient condition for sexual arousal tightly cover the penis. In this way, you experience a powerful stimulation of the organs, or rather their nerve endings in both partners.

This is the stage when the breasts of a woman increases, occur of the estate or the erection of the nipples, they are also able to stretch an inch, so as to increase in diameter to the floor in centimeters.
Sexologists Masters W. and Johnson V. described the orgasm in women in this way. The orgasm is approaching, if the outer third of the vagina begins to rhythmic contractions. These rhythmic cuts hit and the muscles of the uterus. The vagina is able to contract with a range of eight-tenths of a second. Depending on the number and intensity of rhythmic contractions orgasm is beautiful, or calm. Usually in the exercise from three to five cuts with orgasm is considered to be weak, if you have six to eight cuts of this orgasm of medium intensity, from nine to twelve cuts, very strong orgasm. But these calculations are also very subjective, just as there are women who have an orgasm of extraordinary power and intensity, with only three of five cuts.
The occurrence of orgasm people accelerates the number of respiratory movements, accelerates the pulse. Reaching one hundred and eighty bpm, it grows the blood pressure can go up to twenty, and sometimes more points. For example, the male orgasm can increase the normal pressure with one hundred twenty millimeters of mercury, up to two hundred. At the moment of orgasm can be a flush of the face and also the breasts.
Particularly variable intensity and may be female orgasm. It can be similar to that of the male, with a short character losses, but on the contrary can be prolonged and deep, giving you indescribable happiness.
The female orgasm can be longer, can last from twenty to sixty seconds, and sometimes even more. The long form of orgasm can have wave nature loss, then intensifies, without a break, and continues an unknown number of tens of seconds, sometimes it can be even an hour and a half.
He meets a number of women, capable of multiple trials, often repeated orgasms, that may follow each other with an interval of only one, two minutes. These women are able to try for three, and then four orgasms during a sexual contact.
There are cases in which a woman can feel satisfied only when you will experience the most, constantly following one-to-one orgasms, from ten and up to twenty times. Most often, such as repeated orgasms happen when there is an active stimulation of the clitoris.
If a man is confident in the abilities of his partner, the more experience repeated orgasms in a row, he just needs to control himself not to ejaculate, as this can lead to the fact that his partner may remain unsatisfied with only one orgasm.
But because for women with a prolonged flow type of orgasm or with the needs of multiple orgasms the partner, in cases when I have not been able to resist, as an option, should be to help the partner, further stimulating the clitoris.
During orgasm in a woman's body so it is something like premature ejaculation. In this period, opens the cervix, and she breaks out something like the tube of mucus with a streamlined, feminine seed, or a secret tube of glands. The female seed as if gently stroking multiple nerve endings, and this offers sensations of spice. After this plug of mucus goes back up into the uterus and the cervix closes tightly. After the ejaculation, as men and women disappear intense sensations in the genitals, there was an outflow of blood, is all over.
Even if the woman it seems that she feels as if something squeezed out from his body, and the opinion that female ejaculation exists, it is subjective and not proven.
The sexologists argue this for years, but these discussions have only theoretical value. But in practice, the woman receives an orgasm absolutely do not think. How these processes are called ejaculation, the orgasm or something else. Important is that she is immensely like.
The women have decided to allocate the five phases copulative cycle, arranged in sequence:
- Psychic stage, covers a period of time, from the moment in which the woman felt the desire of sexual intercourse, and up to that moment as the decision is taken to realize their desires;
- Touch phase (from the lat., Sens, which means feeling, sensitivity). It is a restructuring of perception, increase of the reactivity erogenous zones, and in the same way, the need of their specific stimulating;
- The secretory phase, characterized by the appearance of the moisturizing and lubricating vaginal secretions;
- Orgasmic stage, in this stage, the woman gets the maximum pleasure of sweet sensations or orgasm;
- Relictum stage, during this phase, begins the weakening of sexual excitement, and the outflow of hyperemia genitals.
Also during sexual contact visible missio, or the introduction of the penis into the vagina, the phase of translation of the movements or frictions, and the phase of premature ejaculation, and of course the orgasm.
Many women consider sexual contact as the culmination emotionally complex relationships with the partners, are accustomed to consider sex not only as physical intimacy, but also as a spiritually convergence with the beloved person.