The procedure of the erotic with a slope has an impact on specific points of the body, sharpens the sensations. We'll talk about massage for women for the excitement, on the correct preparation for the procedure to achieve the desired result.

Preparation of a girl for erotic massage
Before making an exciting massage girl, you need to prepare for the procedure the erotic with a slope. Erotic session must take place in a comfortable environment, then, of great importance is the situation.
The erotic massage usually runs men's underwear. The husband or the partner must prepare carefully for the intimate procedure. Under conditions of comfort for an exciting massage understand the preparations moments:
- the room should be comfortable temperature, a little above 23 degrees;
- if there is a special massage table or trestle beds, use the bed. You can put a soft blanket on the floor;
- will terry towels;
- for the movements of massage create a special oil or cream;
- in order to strengthen the intimate the effect, you can turn on the wand with the spices, or use the aromatic bulb;
- choose light, soothing music;
- lighting for the stimulation of the massage girl does not have to be bright and pushy. Only the dim light will help to relieve stress and organize your favorite a woman in the erotic procedure;
- the hands of the men must be hot, to avoid unpleasant feelings to the touch. The nails need to cut it short and cut, not to injure the delicate skin of women. Before the massage it is necessary to apply on the hands a nourishing cream.
Of great importance during the stimulation of massage for women play for more accessories, and some small tricks, that are capable of providing a girl a real pleasure.
The nuances of performing the erotic massage
To perform a massage, the oil can be purchased in the final version, or you can cook. Home massage oil prepare as follows:
- as the base product is suitable for the oil, peach, grapes or almonds;
- at the base of the base is added a couple of drops of aromatic oil. You can use the extract of jasmine, and lavender. Considerable add to the composition, sandalwood and ylang-ylang.
If it is not able to make or buy the oil, you can use a cream for the body.
To deliver the girl he loved the most pleasant minutes during the stimulation of the massage, the man you can use the following tips:
- prepare the ice cubes, and feathers. These simple accessories help to make exciting massage more intense;
- instead of lighting articles, it is possible to switch on the candles;
- if the girl is agree to wear a blindfold on the eyes. So the session will be not only erotic, but also a bit mysterious;
- before performing the erotic procedure, calls a woman a little lie down in advance, cooked in a bath with sea salt or fragrant foam.
Virtually any technique of massage consists of specific movements that are not part of stroking and vibrating manipulation. Stimulation female massage in this sense is no exception. Listed massage movements alternate in a certain order. The main rule during a session, do not be in a hurry.
The sequence during stimulation massage for women to play an important role. For each section of the body are slowly making certain movements. Treated massage land that is covered by a towel to eliminate hypothermia and unpleasant sensations.
Stimulation place on the female body
We must understand that stimulating massage for girls do not involve the treatment of intimate areas. This is the main difference erotic massage, massage intimate.
The man massages the woman is not only back, but also parts of the front body. All the massage manipulations must be carried out without the use of force, the Movements should be delicate, then it is better to use the fingers.
On the body of a woman there are points of stimulation during the massage, and the place, that it is better not to touch. The parts of the body, so it is better not to touch during the erotic session:
- axillary depressions, and the area under the knees. Affected the whole meaning of the procedure, and the girl will be only the tickling;
- the heel and the area of the temples carry the sensation of pain;
- the area of the kidneys are not you with enjoyment;
- front neck and the area of the solar plexus. Massaging these places can cause discomfort and suffocation.
To massage points for the excitement are:
- the back and sides of the neck;
- orecchiette pasta;
- brush, palm, and fingers of the hands;
- the back, especially the area between the shoulder blades, the lumbar region;
- the calf of the leg;
- thigh;
- of the foot and the toes;
- belly;
- the chest.
Begin the exciting massage of the body of a young girl with the warm-up series of movements. You need to remember that the easier it is to massage manipulations, the most fun will receive a favorite.
Loving a man is not difficult to determine where the most stimulating areas on the body favorite. If during the warm-up series touches the girl begins to shiver, covered in goosebumps and jerky breathing, this means that the right place to excite the girls during the massage, was found.
The japanese technique exciting massage
To give the woman as much more brilliant, memorable experiences of massage technique, it is necessary to use a variety of touch in the most sensitive places.
During the japanese exciting massage you need to use the following manipulation, and at the same time to observe the reaction of a woman:
- tap the body with only the tip of the fingers;
- you can tickle the receptive areas of feathers or soft nappa leather;
- make a slight movement.
Massaging the sensitive places, such as the buttocks, the mesh on the back between the shoulder blades, the shoulders, and serving as follows:
- when the girl undresses, the man must be gentle movements to apply on her body oil for massage;
- oil rubbed on the skin in a circular manipulations, starting from the shoulders in one fluid movement down the back and legs;
- all the movements are performed without effort, but with a light push;
- for some, the most sensitive, it is possible to apply pressure with the tip of the fingers;
- massage the back and buttocks, you can do the movements that are reminiscent of the painting of the patterns on the surface of the canvas;
- the abdomen, chest, limbs and hips massaged in one of two positions: lying on the back and the abdomen.
Important: the hands of women fall into one of the most sensitive areas of the body. Then, excite a girl during the massage can be light strokes of his hands, especially the inner part.

Massage technique consists of the following phases of action:
- attention to your neck and female ears. You can start the massage with a neck and caresses plots about female ears. The movements are performed with the fingertips, light touches of the hands. Can be a bit of a kiss favorite, behind the ears and on the neck;
- the the dorsal region is processed in the area of the blades with the help of easy manipulation. Understand that a beautiful girl is not difficult;
- buttocks massaged in slow circular movements. Touch the skin a bit, little by little moving on foot. Price the most receptive lunch is considered to be the internal thigh surface;
- during the processing of the feet will have to do a little bit of effort. Too delicate touch can cause laughter, or the girl will be tickled. The heel massaging slowly and with increasing force;
- don't forget the face of a friend, in which are also sensitive places. This lips, ear lobes, delicate, feminine chin. Test with the fingertips to pass around the contour of the face. Particular attention is recommended to pay the lobe of the ears;
- massaging the breasts, you should avoid power handling. All the movements should be delicate, and in the area of the nipples full;
- the belly you can massage the tongue, a little ride on the skin of the nails.
With regard to the intimate zone, bikini, erotic massage the sexual organs are not affected. Delicate, easy manipulation you can tap on the crotch of the bikini area. This manipulation will give a good, energizing effect
The positive effect of the erotic massage impact then, and on the quality of the sex. After screening, the most active and at risk of excitation of female points on the body, thanks to the technique of stimulation massage for women, the man can give a woman more from the experience of making love. The girl, learning to relax fully during a session of sex, even women will experience a new sensation.
Stimulation massage technique for the back
Not everyone knows that the women of the back is considered to be one of the most sensitive and excitable parts of the body. So, the basic movements during the stimulation back massage are focused precisely on this ground. The more excitable and sensitive to different touch sites back on the female body are:
- the lumbar area;
- the so-called cat's place. It is an area of the back located between the shoulder blades.
The lumbar spine is located in the vicinity of the genitals, then it offers a higher sensitivity. And the area between the shoulder blades reacts immediately in the lungs, caressing touch.
To give a favorite real, relaxing, erotic procedure, you need to know how to make energizing massage of the back to the girl. First of all it is necessary to respect some rules:
- to the surface of the skin is necessary tap gently, without effort;
- massage movements must constantly alternate. The same rule applies for the efforts. The most persistent, but still delicate manipulations are alternated with light touches of pillows of hand;
- advancing towards the buttocks, you can do more intense itching and rubbing, because in these places the skin cover is more dense.
Stimulation technique massage woman at the back is composed of the following actions:
- after application on the back with oil or cream for the massage joint manipulation. Knead begin from the shoulder with the gradual shift to the back. The movements should be round;
- it is possible to make the vibrating manipulation along the spine;
- lumbar area managed by light movements, then comes the transition to the neck, and the man returns to the back.
During the erotic procedure, a man can touch a woman with his body. So dear friend, will receive more sensation vivid a session.
If it is right to take a massage girl for the excitement, the partner may experience a variety of feelings:
- a girl can cry;
- fall asleep. In this case, the woman is not worth waking up;
- experience the full relaxing effect;
- the pleasure can go in sexual arousal;
- partner completely free from negative energy.
When the girl is excited about the massage, and comes in a small state of euphoria, this means that the session has been executed successfully.
With the help of the erotic session it is possible to solve many problems in a relationship and get to the following effect:
- a friend will go to the negative emotions, and the relationship with the man that I love will become more intense;
- in the woman will wake true, the sexual energy;
- the man can make energizing massage as a prelude to sex.
The advantage of the erotic procedure, when a husband or a man, is that during the session, the pair no inhibitions to any action. If a man has the technique and the erotic procedures and knows how to do the massage woman for the excitement, the partner will be able without problems to go to a further lesson of love.
The behavior of the man during the erotic massage
For the session of erotic massage with a slope exceeded qualitatively, a man must comply with the following recommendations:
- massage therapist, despite the fact that it is a dear man, must understand that only a true caress, and the love for the partner will give her enjoyment. Not worth the effort of putting the accent on general massage movements. Everything in the lungs, the erotic feel in the most sensitive areas of women.
- you can make exciting massage, lingering long on any other part of the body. The entire session must be a complex event, during which you can clean your hands with the surface of the body. Need to pass gradually from a sensitive area of the body to another;
- it is understood that, in the course of a session, a man can get excited. Therefore, it is necessary to enter in harmony with this that the massage is performed for the pleasure of a girl, and not for themselves. You need to focus on the procedure, and not to himself.
Massage performed to the excitement favorite is considered the best exercise to help establish a relationship and move on to something new, with regard to mutual stroking.
If a man has decided to make a favorite gift in the form of the erotic procedure, it is not worth to follow the proposal guidelines. Each couple knows best, how to give pleasure to each other. Therefore, during the massage should observe stages of execution of a session. And the rest, best to follow their feelings and desires a girlfriend. Just so you can understand what actions it expresses positive emotions, and any manipulations you better give up.
With regard to the goal of erotic massage, is in some measure aims at the improvement. The woman after a few treatments, it becomes easier to melt during the love, you away the anxiety and the tension of the psycho-emotional plane. But, the main purpose of the procedure, it will be the excitement of the girl, even if in a session dominated by elements in common, traditional massage.
Almost every man it is possible to perform an energising massage at the first shot. Above all, listen to the reactions of choice, and then it becomes clear how best to perform another movement.