The modern lifestyle causes stress and constant experiences that reflect poorly on the state of health of the woman. Broken libido, the woman stops to receive pleasure from a intimate relationship. This situation can be corrected special medicines for the activation of the power of women that have a positive effect on sexual desire, the woman begins to experience the orgasm, but taking them is only on the prescription of the doctor. Problems with the power of women must be addressed in a complex with psychological counseling.

What is the power
Men and women have the ability to a sexual act is called power. At the bottom of this word applied towards men, but women also have the power (the libido). Power – is a set of characteristics of the human body, which refer to a sexual act (duration, level of sexual activity).
The problem with the power of women is widespread not only in the middle ages, on the contrary of men, but also young. With this may be associated with psychological problems or diseases of the reproductive system. On the libido affects a large number of factors, such as, for example, the power mode of the day, the psychological state, the relationship with the man. To normalize the female libido we need to act in a complete way – not only medication, but also psychologically, because return the desire for intimacy very difficult.
How to increase libido in women
In this regard it is necessary to take into account many factors of life. The biggest obstacle for the high libido and the absence of needs in sex are internal disease and psychological problems. First of all, you need to solve the problems of health, reverse chronic disease and bring the body into order. It is therefore necessary to restore the mode of feeding in the diet include all of the vitamins and elements. Still needs to get out of the scene with dependencies to alcohol, smoke, have a negative influence on the sexual system.
Working to improve libido, you need to remember the psychological side of the problem – the power of the women disappear because of antipathy towards themselves and the lack of harmonious relations with the partner. In order to resolve the situation, it is necessary to find the self-confidence and loving your body, by correcting the defects, to get rid of complexes. When the running situations, doctors recommend to start taking special medications to increase the power of women.
Tools that increase the power
Depending on the nature of the disease, that caused the decreased libido in women, are assigned the appropriate drugs. They are committed to improving the blood circulation in the female genitals, which helps the secretion of lubrication and excitement. In the pharmacy you can still find dietary Supplements, where the action starts almost immediately after use, and lasts no more than 9 hours. These medicines to increase libido in women does not affect negatively the reproductive system, because in its composition contain only natural ingredients.
Some tools have fed directly on the ovaries, ensuring a high level of production of female sex hormone estrogen. Thanks to this woman get the chance of having an orgasm much stronger, with the stimulation of the genital organs increases the sensitivity. The effect of this half saved it for a day, and starts working after 5 minutes after consumption. Any medication, regardless of its action, it is necessary to take only on prescription from a doctor.

Choice of medication to increase female libido, you must take into account their mechanism of action on the body. Are made these tablets of dried extracts of herbs, medicinal plants. These drugs have the following spectrum of action:
- stimulate the blood genital lips and clitoris increase in size;
- reinforce the selection of the natural lubrication of the vagina;
- gradually increase the chance of getting a brilliant orgasm 6 times;
- increase sexual desire;
- for the benefit of hormonal background.
How to increase libido in women quickly
If it is urgent to improve the sexual desire, suitable for drugs that have an action identical with "viagra". For example, some pills to increase libido in women start their action immediately after the intake, within 10 minutes and last up to 7 hours. There are a lot of analogues in the form of drops or tablets, but use them regularly is not possible. For the reception of these instruments are breaks in 3-5 days.
How to choose a tablet
To choose the right medication for increasing the power of a woman, you need to follow some rules. Before purchase the tools needed to read the contraindications and to ensure the safety of the drug in each case. Still the choice of the tool depends on the desired effect and the time of action. There are pills with an immediate action, which comes after 5 minutes after drinking, and there are those that have the effect.
First choice of the tools you need to make sure that the patient for the following contraindications:
- hypersensitivity to the components;
- pregnancy, breast-feeding;
- children up to the age of 18 years;
- diseases of the blood (leukemia, anemia);
- diseases of the liver and of the kidneys;
- diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
- increase in blood pressure.