Sure, hormones play a very important role in the life of every person. Their level of influence on the functioning of all the systems, organs and tissues. Particular attention is given to the female sexual hormones, that have an impact on the entire female reproductive system. It is also important to know that the hormone is responsible for a woman's libido.

Libido is the sexual desire, passion and sexual desire. Unlike male erection, occurs on the physiological level, the libido is formed at the psychological level. The majority of the responsibility for the female libido are estrogen and follicle-stimulating hormone. But a small part of the responsibility also falls on the testosterone – the male hormone, that there was a place in the female body.
Libido and estrogen
However, a hormone responsible for sexual desire of a woman is already clear. Now, however, it is worth of details on how all this happens in the body.
The representatives of estrogen are three sexual hormone:
- estrone;
- the estriol;
- estradiol.
In the female body produce them in the ovaries. The greatest responsibility for the libido is Estradiol, right from its level depends on the passion and the desire of women. And if this hormone well-behaved, that is not far from the norm, a representative of the fairer sex remains in a good mood and joy of the spirit.
The level of female hormones may not always be stable, especially during the menstrual cycle. In this period, and the libido is distinguished by its variability. The peak sexual thirst represent at the time of ovulation, then gradually disappears. This is the norm.
The second phase of the menstrual cycle is characterized by decreased libido. In this period may appear premenstrual syndrome (pms), namely:
- irritability and mood swings;
- depression;
- stupid annoying pain in the lower abdomen;
- headaches;
- sleep disorders.
In women, according to the period of menopause, the excitation and reduced sexual desire. This is due to the great hormonal changes, against which the level of estrogen decreases, and with it the ovarian function. The vaginal flora also changes, the mucosa becomes dry, resulting in sexual acts, become uncomfortable and even painful. Generally, the period of the menopause has a greater impact on the psycho-emotional state, which seems at first sight. And all because of a close relationship with the hormones estrogen and mood.
Estrogen, responsible for female libido, and share their function with the progesterone, which is not only responsible for female sexuality, but maintains the menstrual cycle. When its levels, libido in women is also reduced. Leap of progesterone depend, first of all by the menstrual cycle. At low concentrations of these hormones in the female body occur some changes.

What happens when deviation from the norm?
Estrogens are not only responsible for sexual desire. The growth of the bones, the development of the sexual organs and the formation of sexual characters is also the case with their help. Together with progesterone, which are the main controller of the pregnancy. As A result of an increase of their level, have to deal with overweight women, intrauterine infection, threatened miscarriage, and the risk of development of pathologies of the child. With a net increase in hormonal levels, it is necessary to exclude the presence of formations in the pituitary gland.
In the case of reduced concentration of estrogen, a woman must face the calloused voice, the rapid growth of hair, lack of menstruation.
High level of hormones will manifest these characteristics:
- the vascular network in the foot the bright colour.
- the breaking of the heart;
- shortness of breath;
- the strong increase in weight.
If the hormones are produced in insufficient quantity, the symptoms are the following:
- the excess of appetite;
- abrupt change of hue of hair darker;
- reduced sexual desire;
- the manifestation of the characteristic signs of the males.
Another important figure to keep under control the female libido is a hormone called testosterone. This mate is considered to be the male representative, however, and in the female body can influence and "lustful" desire, in spite of its small concentration. However, and this is its function does not end here. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for these functions in the female body:
- increase of libido;
- the maintenance of muscle tone and skin;
- improvement of the functioning of the bone marrow;
- the maintenance of the mood;
- the development of the mammary glands;
- control of body weight;
- the maintenance of energy.

Any anomalies are immediately tangible. If the sex hormone in abundance, the women are faced with the rapid growth of the hair. But testosterone deficiency may signal the onset of menopause. The sexuality of a woman slowly begins to fade, you start the aging process, which is characterized by increased dryness of the skin. It's getting worse, and the general state: there is a weakness, apathy, irritability appears, worsens the mood.
All the processes of rejuvenation in a woman's body depends on the testosterone, which increases her sexuality. Therefore, the lack of effect in the first place for his appearance and the general well-being. The dryness of the skin leads to the gradual appearance of wrinkles. In addition, the deficiency of the hormone accompanied by these manifestations:
- the decline in sexual desire;
- the accumulation of fat, particularly in the area of the belly and on the arms;
- the pain in the joints.
The excess of supply, in turn, with these consequences:
- the increase in body mass;
- the irregularity of the menses;
- the excessive growth of hair;
- the loss of hair, and also the deterioration of their general condition, including the oiliness;
- irritability;
- the roughness of the voice.
In addition, the excess of the hormone can also increase the sexual desire, or better, do too much.
Stabilize the levels of testosterone you can resort to medical therapy. For this reason, usually, it is sufficient to review your diet. It should include fruit juices, vegetables, white bread, meat and honey. With a low level of hormone, you need to eat foods that contain a large amount of zinc. It also increases the testosterone level food rich in healthy fats:
- the blue-fish;
- vegetable oils;
- nuts.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
FSH is the main substance, especially for the formation of the female and the male sex drive. And also under the influence of FSH in women occurs in the formation of ova, the formation of estrogen and the regularity of the sexual glands.
The peak concentration of FSH says about ovulation. Abnormal increase can occur for the following reasons:
- neoplasm of the pituitary gland;
- uterine bleeding;
- kidney disease.
In the case of the abuse of alcohol FSH can also respond to the growing.
The lack of the hormone, in turn, increases the risk of reproductive disorders functions. It is an abuse of the reproductive system, dysfunction of the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, polycystic ovarian. The main symptom of reduce the the hormone is the absence of menstruation (for three months), or uterine bleeding, having no relation to the menstrual cycle. And may also be present in chronic diseases of the reproductive system, and headaches.
In respect of the excessive level of FSH, the characteristics, in this case, you will be in breach of or total lack of menstruation, infectious lesions of the genitourinary system, and decreased sexual desire.
It follows from the foregoing that, in order to maintain the libido and the lack of problems with sexual life, women need of any violations, do not be afraid to visit a doctor and take the exams for the hormones. The more that any hormonal disorders can easily delete it until it appeared to be more serious consequences.