When I reflect on the feminine soul in me says that is not a man, not a woman even does not mind if I use it, it tells me the awareness. The awareness is not
So when we talk of body, of mind, the words "male" and "female", it is entirely appropriate. However, there is something that goes beyond these two concepts, is transcendental. This is the true core of man, his essence. This entity is composed only of awareness, of presence, of observation. This is the pure consciousness.
I'm not speaking as a man, of the name and of men; otherwise, to speak of a woman would not seem to be possible at all. I say, as awareness. Many times I have lived in a female body, many times, I have lived in a male body, I have been a witness of them all. I have seen all the houses, I saw all the clothes. My words are based on the experience not only of this life, but many, many previous lives. True my life is only the culmination of a long, long pilgrimage.
Therefore, do not take my words as the words of a man or a woman, you will not worry about this; otherwise you will not hear me. Just think of me as awareness.

(The Dhammapada: The Way of The Buddha)
It seems to me that you are the only person on this planet, who really understands women and accepts them as they are. Please comment.
I have already said that a woman must love, and do not understand. This is the first.
Life is so mysterious that it is not possible to reach the peaks, it is not possible to take a look at its deepest secrets. Any manifestation of life — a man, a woman, a tree, an animal or a bird that is the object of study of a scientist and not a mystic. I am not a scientist. Science itself is a mystery to me, and today, scientists have begun to recognize this. Today, they refuse to its old faulty statements, that one day we will know the secrets to everything you need to know.
Thanks to Albert Einstein, science has started to develop a completely different path, because the deeper you descended is the mystery of the matter, the more confusion came up. He had to give up and by the logic and rationality. Life shouldn't, because she doesn't obey your logic. The logic is a quality inherent in the person. Albert Einstein said one time in her life, when she had doubts on the fact that if all the stick rationality... But it would have been stupid. This behavior is human, but it would be unreasonable. Even though it is difficult to follow the logic, the rationality, it becomes evident that life is not about to listen to your logic; on the contrary, the logic of the mind must obey the logic of life. One day there comes a time, when you must discard the logic, the rationality, and just listen to nature. I call it the greatest understanding, but not in the conventional sense of the word. You know it, you feel it, but aren't enough words to express this.
The man is a mystery, woman is a mystery, life is a mystery, and all our attempts to reveal its doomed.
I remember the case, when in a toy store man bought a gift for my son for Christmas. Because he was a famous mathematician, the owner of the store issued to him the image of the mystery. The mathematician tried to collect his... and it was a great puzzle game. He couldn't collect the image, is all sweaty and started to feel uncomfortable. For his unsuccessful attempts have observed the buyers, the sellers and the owner of the shop, but he couldn't collect. In the end, he has not lost heart, and shouted to the shop owner: "If I, as a mathematician, I can collect this image as a child to cope with this task?"
The owner replied: "You don't understand. Puzzle designed in this way, for no one has been able to solve nor a mathematician, nor any other."
"What is the meaning of this mystery?" — has asked a mathematician.
"This has been done to the child since childhood, I have learned to know, that life is impossible to resolve, that they can't understand", replied the shop owner.
The life you can enjoy, life can be happy, can become part of his mystery to understand, but, being an outside observer, it is absolutely impossible.
I do not know if the same. For me the biggest mystery is myself. But I'll give you a couple of suggestions:
Psychiatrist — is the one who for a large fee to set you the same questions, that wife is doing for you for free.
The keys to good fortune: you can speak of love, of tenderness, of passion, but a true ecstasy, you'll discover that after all this you still it has not lost the keys.
The woman first, it discourages the attacks of the men, and then it cuts to him a way of escape.
If you want to change a woman, agree with her. If you want to know what a woman truly is in mind, watch over her, but not listening.
The woman ran towards the police:
— Sees the man in the corner of the house, giving me on the nerves.
— I have all the time observed, " said the policeman, — has even looked in your side.
— This is what gives me the nerves.
Romantic young man turned to beauty in his bed and asked: "have I done before?"
After thinking about it for a moment, he replied: "it could be, I have a terrible memory of the people".
All shrouded in mystery: it is better to enjoy life, to try to understand. At the end what he is trying to understand life proves to be a fool, but he who enjoys life, becomes a wise man, and continues to have fun, because it is more and more aware of the mystery of everything that surrounds us.
The biggest understanding is that nothing you can understand that everything is mysterious and wonderful