The libido is the presence of sexual desire, the desire of intimate relationships. This is the nature of this person a gift for harmonious relationships, for the pleasure of intimacy, full of happiness in family life. When there is no sexual attraction, the proximity of stops to give the gift of joy and pleasure, and the relationship between a man and a woman fade and become painful. Not for subjective reasons.
Disorders of the female libido can happen in many cases because of health problems.
First of all it is necessary to understand the causes of the weakening of libido. Many couples, sex is reduced to the execution of the debt the married couple. No excitement, emotional drain, and intimate relationships simply become habitual physiological act.

Causes of weakness of the sexual desire:
- Women are more stuck in the bed that men. Do not always talk about their wishes and preferences in sex. If something does not like a woman in an intimate relationship with the beloved person, you , probably, is not afraid to pass to, presumptuous. Gradually the intimate relationship ceases his pleasure and she loses interest. His libido pales.
- Because of the lack of attraction? The sex takes the fun and satisfaction, when a man full of strength and health, as this act requires a considerable physical strength, especially on the part of men. And if you do not have the health, full of sexual acts from him should not wait. That is, the problems in the intimate sphere can occur due to diseases.
- Statistics show that a third of women do not know what is orgasm. But one day, after having experimented with physiologic discharge in collaboration with euphoria emotional, a woman who is now.
- Taking hormonal contraceptives reduces the level of hormones, the ovaries are calm, sexual desire and hunger no.
- The level of sexual excitement depends on the relationship to the partner, the emotional background of these relations.
- Light of the physical form of the women lowers all of its vital functions. For the activity should maintain muscle tone, flexibility and strength. For women are very useful in oriental dances, yoga, aerobics. These types of activities foster the inflow of blood to the pelvic organs, support the good shape of the genitals.
- If the woman is actually healthy, a temporary reduction of the libido is a protective response to premature pregnancy. The nature of the same shall appoint a time and wakes up in a woman his feminine. For example, after childbirth or severe illness, the body needs time to recover.
- Important and the moment chosen for the sexual intercourse. The woman should be rested.
- We have to keep the level of sexual hormones in the body. They influence the level of sexuality.
- The individual Libido of any woman. And does not make sense to him to ask for more, which has given the nature.
The beginning of a relationship between a man and a woman characterized by a high heat of sexual desire. Because with the time the relationship lose their brightness? Later, when moving into the stable phase, and the sex becomes more calm and less. Are harmonious relations. If they are satisfied with both partners, the reasons for concern does not occur. If the "cool" woman, the member perceives as his own flask, and touch his ego.
The symptoms of low libido in women
The clinical symptoms is insufficient, the moisture content of the vagina. The act of penetration takes place spasm of the muscles of the vagina, the act itself is painful and unpleasant. Is completely missing the orgasm, and there are no conditions for him. The woman refuses sex, it avoids communication with the partner.
The reasons for the decline of the female libido
The causes can be classified on the physiological and psychological.
Physiological basis:
- Libido responds to the male hormone testosterone. If you reduce the level of content, weakens the libido. This process in our day tends to rejuvenate. Unfortunately, often there is a hormonal imbalance after the age of 30.
- Age-related changes in the body of a woman also have an impact on his sexuality. This happens in the waiting and during the menopause. The activity of the ovaries is reduced to zero, fail to produce oestrogen, the vagina becomes dry. The sexual act brings unpleasant sensations. The women renounce sex. Also, on the emotional side of life, this does not affect. The woman lives fully and positively.
- The disease, between which and gynecological problems are the cause of the failure of an intimate relationship. Especially in advanced age, you accumulate a lot of health problems. It is a disease of the heart and blood vessels, that lead to physical weakness of the body, diseases of internal organs, inflammation of the genito-urinary tract, diabetes. During the pregnancy, the woman also avoids intimate relationships.
- Bad habits such as smoking, consumption of alcohol destroys the internal organs and the nervous system and lead to serious disease, incompatible with a fulfilling sex life. The man accustomed to the pleasures from the consumption of alcohol and smoking a cigarette.
- Vaginismus – spasms of the vaginal muscles. The cause may be emotional stress, the abuse.
- Infectious diseases of the genital organs.
Psychological causes
- Neurosis, stress, overwork.
- A situation of discomfort for the intimate relationship, a difficult relationship, and the lack of understanding with the partner, to the dictates of men in intimate relationships.
- Puritan education, the religious boundaries, the result of complex.
- The lack of sexual education of a young woman. If you have not received a credible adequately obtulit information on the first sexual relationship, about a possible pregnancy and methods of contraception, the girl can not feel the comfort and receiving and giving pleasure.
- After pregnancy and childbirth the woman passes from the care of a child and the sexual desire diminishes.

The treatment of lack of sexual desire female
For the treatment of sexual dysfunction, you need to get rid of the causes. If it is a disease, it is necessary to start the treatment. If disturbed hormones, it is necessary to take hormonal drugs. And restore the level of testosterone not only gives sexy climb. It provides physical activity, good mood, cheerfulness. The treatment of women's "coldness" — a complex of measures. They are drugs, physical therapy, healthy nutrition, psychological support, can also be the exchange of space and lifestyle.
The treatment will be faster and more efficient, with the support and participation of partners. The mutual understanding and the warmth of relations will help to achieve success in treatment.
For the treatment of the emotional aspects applies to psychotherapy, antidepressant drugs.
Pharmacological treatment sometimes gives negative effects, which are inevitable when the hormone replacement therapy. This is the appearance of extra pounds, unwanted hair growth, engorgement, vaginal discharge, rashes on the skin. Often the intake of drugs. comitantur headache, a bad dream, nervous state.
Nutritional treatment
But not include in the list of delectable treats and full meals. Diet, on the contrary, it should be easy and warm the tar. There are a number of products that help to awaken the sensuality.
Foods – aphrodisiacs:
- Seafood – salmon, oysters, halibut.
- Dark chocolate, bananas, avocado, mango, figs, nuts, liver, eggs, stimulate the production of protestaron.
- Treatment of the burn dressings. This — pepper, onion, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, fennel, cardamom, star anise, turmeric, horseradish.
Traditional medicine has a great experience in return women of their sexuality. Decoctions and tinctures ginseng, damiana, aloe vera, celery, act as powerful stimulants of sexual desire. Their use in the preparation of dishes for a romantic dinner.
Proud of her body!
To have the ability to do this, keep track of itself. The excess weight makes a woman very insecure. You lose the physical form, flexibility and grace. Of course, not all may be the lingerie models, but in the measure of their forces, we must strive for perfection for the weight, having a good physical shape, follow, face, skin, and wardrobe. All of this requires a lot of work by a woman, and a lot of time. If you do not spend money on themselves, to look attractive, she is not. And, then, to believe that it will be ugly, flawed, uncertain.
Good form and force assigns new swimming, jogging in the open air, half an hour, a brisk pace, go to the gym, yoga classes. Pay particular attention to the muscles in your intimate area. The exercises you can find on the internet and do regularly, which prepares the body.
The novelty of intimate relationships
Will help you to feel the pleasure of sex long prelude, during which the woman enjoys delicate touches, gradually prepares for a sexual act. Please do not hesitate to speak of his feelings, the wishes of the loved one. Will be grateful for the tip. The woman is more sensitive and prone to fantasy. We must not be afraid of diversity in the sexual relations. All the more so if it is a long marriage relationship. Use sometimes sexy toys. To increase the desire, there are intimate gel – lubricant.
With any program of work, remember the main thing – your family, your relationship with your loved one. A woman should not deny to a man in intimate affection. Sex should be regular.
Today we're discussing the desire of a woman and also not only the desire, and the sexual desire of women, but rather the lack of sexual desire in women and the possible causes of such a state.
We touch on themes: why suddenly disappear sexual desire, and what to do about it, how to restore the sexual desire way out of the problem, the lack of sexual desire causes.
Because it may be a problem with the libido in women?
As mentioned earlier, all of the causes that lead to a weakening of the desire for sexual intimacy can be divided into two groups of factors-physiological and psychological:
- Decrease in sexual desire due to hormones.A physiological decline in sexual desire in women — break the hormonal balance in a woman's body .Libido, how women and men respond to the male sex hormone testosterone. Unfortunately, lately there is a trend in the reduction before the law, that is before 30 years. Also in the reduction of sexual desire in women (however, men too) can be the fault of a hormone called prolactin. In women, the weakening of libido is observed in the post-partum period, when nursing.
- Decrease in sexual desire due to age. A physiological decline in sexual desire in women, and age modify women. The extinction or the complete lack of sexual desire in women is observed in the eligibility (menopause) and menopausalis age. It is known that in these periods of life, the ovarian function begins to wane, which manifests itself in a lower production of estrogen.The sexual act becomes unpleasant and even painful, which is associated with a decrease in the production of lubrication of the vagina. Many women in this age completely reject the sexual life, and not living because of this there is the psychological and physical discomfort.
- Decrease in sexual desire due to an illness. A physiological drop in sexual desire of a woman — the presence of common and/or gynecological diseases. Diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, and the urine excretory systems, pelvic inflammatory disease and often are the cause of the coldness sexual in women.
- Decrease in sexual desire due to bad habits. A physiological decline in sexual desire in women — different bad habits. Smoking, alcohol abuse, drug dependency, inhibit sexual desire. Bad habits inhibit the nerve impulses to that part of the brain that is responsible for sexual desire and arousal. In the first place is get pleasure from these constraints.
- Decrease in sexual desire due to spasms.A physiological decline in sexual desire in women — vaginismus. Vaginismus is an involuntary spastic contraction of the muscles of the vagina, which is very painful, not only for women but also for men (during sexual intercourse). Of vaginismus can be experienced sexual violence, sexual harassment, and so on.
- Decrease in sexual desire due to infection. A physiological lack of sexual desire — the various sexual. As is known, the infections they cause discomfort in the area of vulvo-vaginal. Sexual contact on a background of espresso colpitis is not only unpleasant, but also very painful, is also a reason of what is happening lack of sexual desire in women.
- Decrease in sexual desire because of psychological reasons. Psychological causes low sexual desire in women is very different. This can be chronic stress, fatigue, a disorder in the relationship with the partner, a fight with him, the abnormal situation, the reluctance of the partners to take into account the needs and preferences of women, and much more.

In addition, the decline in sexual desire in women may be due to religious education, in deterius complexu or any upheaval in the sexual life.
Often the partner does not want to deal with the desires and capacities of women, it does not take into consideration that, apart from his main job should do the housework, raise the kids, prepare lunches and dinners. One of the reasons for the decline or lack of libido in young women, is the inexperience and the fear of unwanted pregnancy.