Men throughout life are interested in a mechanism of excitation of women. Man's genetic blueprint always pushes to the search of partners for sex. However, women are not in a hurry to jump in the bed, meticulously selecting a partner for the whole life. How to rekindle the girl's passion? There is a tablet of female arousal? And if yes, how to do female pathogen in the house?
The most ancient aphrodisiac "Shpanskaya viewfinder"

From the middle Ages is known as the most strong tool to foster a passion for men and women. The spread obtained in the EIGHTEENTH century. Known fans of the drug: the marquis de sade, Catherine II. Shpanskaya viewfinder is a genus of beetles, but also medicines, among which there are these insects in composition (ointments, tinctures, powders).
The manufacture of the drug, perhaps in our days with the hands: the beetle lives in Russia, is also located in the Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Has a green color with gold metallic. It grows up to about 2 cm in length. Harvest produce in the month of may.
Recipe stimulation viewfinder for women:
1. Collect the number of insects shpanskaya viewfinder, dry and rub in the powder.2. 20 g of the powder add 1 litre of alcohol.
3. In addition, the drug is infused in a dark place and used with the food and drinks.
Be very careful, active ingredient shpanskoi viewfinder — kantaridin — has a negative influence on the organs of the GASTROINTESTINAL tract and the kidney. According to some, too often the use in high doses can lead to death.
Modern inventions
Mess around with the insects — is not an easy task. Not everyone will be able to run to the forest in search of various insects, but still dry in the house, expanding everywhere. A lot of nuances: we can't always be sure that you take and you take. Most of the difficulty with the dosage and side effects: "die of excitement" that sounds good only as a metaphor. But the genius of modern man is not sleeping, and concoct new recipes, such as "to have a friend, that is much easier to prepare with their own hands:
1. Remember that this blender, we have need of him.2. Break 1 egg.
3. Add 1 tablespoon of tomato paste.
4. Squeeze the juice of a lemon (1 teaspoon)
5. Take ½ teaspoon of mustard.
6. Pour a pinch more pepper.
7. All well and good to beat with the help of a blender.
8. Pour a glass of wine (dry).
9. Bring to a slight boil (the mixture has started to boil).
Drink this drink must be warm or hot — it heats up a sexual interest in women more sexy of the night. There are other recipes based on food afrodiziakov, which are easy to make with their own hands. You can also buy ready made aphrodisiac in the specialized internet pharmacies.
Natural remedies

Actually, the same mother nature has treated male sexual attractiveness in the eyes of the women. Natural pheromone androstenon — the hormone that regulates women for sex. Androstenon produced together with the men, who are on the body where to grow the hair (armpits, groin). It is said that women do not like the smell of male sweat, and in part to the right. But ask the right question and you get a weapon capable of bringing the women with the mind. When? When women unpleasant smell androstenona, and when, to the contrary, the woman feels the excitement?
Everything is in menstrual cycle. From the point of view of nature, the woman does not make sense to do sex, if you can't stay pregnant. So exciting fylhjcntyjy acts only ready to fertilize the women. This pheromone natural, excess in men in nightclubs, works as the strongest pathogen female half.
Then ways and magical recipes of excitation of women — it is sufficient. Some of the tide of passion called dear machine, or portfolios. Millions dream of being in bed with celebrities. We open the main secret recipe, which is easy to do with the hands in the home: take 100 % love and mix it with 100 % of romance — the return will be 1000% stronger sexual emotions! Just love your woman, and you will be rewarded handsomely.