An intimate part of a woman's life has enormous value in the mood, well-being and the success of each of us. Is the same as before, is not particularly sold at this value. Yes there is "for nothing" — was not! Girls in the past have been taught to repress in himself all the types of sexual desires. They say, is a womanizer and top indecency. And condemned was a fairly sad existence. Now everything is different. Now the company has realised that a woman does not make him the most happy.
Well, no, actually, because the men have to enjoy sex, and we, you see, is not put? Oh, nonsense! And if a woman by nature has a weak libido, what to do? Gritting his teeth, restraining himself? And then pour out your anger on others, the cheering, the nostalgia of home, run. No. Not to go against his nature. However, the libido we have moody. Sometimes in the most inappropriate for you declares that it intends to take a nap.
So it wants a sensual, unforgettable sex with the person you love! And what do you do? Yes, everything is easier! You just have to use the stimulation funds for women, and everything will be okay. This does not necessarily can be some special medications. There are many other ways to reach a state of extreme excitement.

Food products, stimulating the women
Natural aphrodisiacs women, unlike some other stimulant drugs, can cause some damage. Because it is just food, drinks, infusions, in the composition of which enters an active component of a work of sex hormones of women. Recipes, which are able to arouse our libido and make it turn like a spinning top, a lot of. You can choose what you want. So, for the state, and tasty, and useful, and so effective in terms of improvement of sexuality. A pleasant way of excitement, isn't it?
So, what we should eat and drink, for ever and if the same, and your loved one provide you with the maximum pleasure?
- Oranges, tangerines, mango, avocado, grenades, grapefruit, and bananas. These wonderful fruits are full of vitamins and "hormone of passion".
- Legumes. Contain fitestrogeny – woman agents used for the wonderful, intimate in ancient India.
- The vanilla extract. She since ancient times, is famous for its disturbing sexuality to the property.
- The grapes. Uva promotes the flow of blood to the vagina and thus increases the excitability of the women.
- Chocolate. Wonderful aphrodisiac! Also a favorite of many girls.
- The wine red. It is also a great aphrodisiac, if you do not get in the game.
- Artichoke. Artichoke hot female genitals and in this way increases the desire.
- The mushrooms. In mushrooms a lot of zinc, which helps the excitement.
- Caviar. Well, this is an aphrodisiac absolute.
- Cabbage – a wonderful tool for the blaze of passion for women.
- Strawberry. This beautiful berry is able to burst the desire and in women and in men.
- The shrimp. Not only shrimps, but also other fruits of the sea to activate the hormones passion. Particularly effective in this sense algae.
- Cinnamon, coriander, dill, tarragon – spice, that have for centuries been used in erotic cuisine for the women.
- The honey. He is also known long ago as male and female aphrodisiac.
- Almonds and nutmeg. This is not only treatments, which are able to arouse a woman's passion, which themselves frigid.
- Oats. Oatmeal, as we could not to the treaty, in fact it brings the female sexuality is a huge advantage.
- Olive oil. It is rich in vitamin E, the activation of the do and step sursum the level of libido of the fairer sex.
- The seeds of the sunflower. Sunflower seeds too much saturated vitamin E, then it is advisable to take them often.
- The soy. In soy contains a large amount of estrogen.
- The ricotta cheese. He also, strangely, increases the sexuality of women.
- Currants. And black, and red, it has magical properties and can awaken passion, even in the cold of a woman.
- Eggs. In any form are extremely beneficial effect on the sexuality of the weaker sex.
- Tomatoes in any form. Yes, the family of all tomatoes even excite the female passion!
- Clarified butter. Increases the sensuality of the fairer sex and he does become more erotic.
In reality, this is not a complete list of products, capable of forcing any young woman waking up volcano of passion. But what is there in the list, enough to make a good diet with erotic power. And if you integrate them with the plants-aphrodisiacs, a wonderful night with a boyfriend or husband we've virtually assured.
The plants to the excitement of female
What are the plants help the girls to flare up the passion? It is, in the first place, jasmine and ylang-ylang, the fragrance of which he is capable in a few minutes zadurmanit female head. About these same properties of geranium, mallow and lemon balm, lemon and mint. Active "hormone of passion" herb oregano. Improve the production of sexual female hormones, licorice root, aralia, and flax seeds, many of which are phytoestrogens, and vitamin E.
A large number of phytoestrogens to hold, and in the hops sector, which is quite a strong female aphrodisiac. The beautiful excites the weak half of mankind aloe vera, apply the honey. Aloe and arnica increase the flow of blood to the pelvic organs. That lead to the appearance of sexual desire. Significant trigger of feminine passion is the tea tree oil. And, finally, simply stunning effect excitability has rose oil.
All these natural aphrodisiacs influence the female sexuality, to a different extent. Some of them excite fast enough. And some effect on our libido slowly, but insistently. In one way or another, and to have them in his house. And not work around with this, be careful! These are wonderful gifts of nature are able to do a night of love divine. These, of which I remember with cupid, dreaming to repeat again and again.