Kisses, hugs, cuddling - all of this is part of the prelude, which causes an increase in the production of sex hormones, and this eventually leads to some changes in the body. Men and women, the excitement manifests itself in a different way.
Signs of sexual arousal in women

The first stages of arousal lead to an increase of inflow of blood to the head, which, in turn, causes the appearance of redness. Changes occur in breathing, the woman starts to inhale and exhale, as if there is not enough air. The fairer sex, almost immediately, changes occur in the vagina, necessary for a comfortable stay penetration directly through sexual contact. Sexual arousal leads to a marked increase in the clitoris, as it receives more blood. When the passions are intensified, the woman can increase and become more elastic, the breasts and the nipples they take erectum state. It is worth noting that during sexual arousal, the area around the nipple becomes darker. Many ladies experiences a thrill in the body and breathability. Often a woman with a strong excitement it swells the belly, but the hip, on the contrary, compresses it, which leads to irritation of the clitoris and of the labia majora.
Signs of sexual arousal in men
Of course, the most important signal about the willingness of "male," go on to the intimacy – erection, which occurs due to the fact that the head of the penis, blood flows, and becomes solid and increases in size.
The gestures of the men during sexual arousal:
- Demonstration of the groin and manhood figure. If it is born of the interest for the opposite sex, the "male" is widely open your legs. The man can be reflection involving the stomach, stretch the muscles and the appearance will be more courage.
- The excitation is a certain stress for the body, which leads to an increase of the pressure. Because of this, a man can "choke" the tie or crew neck sweatshirts, and will seek to extend the existing chains. In a state of excitement can no longer smoke.
- A remarkable gesture that indicates the intention of more closely spaced – the desire for something to remove, for example, a man may shoot glasses, unbutton watches, buttons, etc
What is interesting - signs of sexual arousal in men appear much faster than women. This condition can pass in both partners, so it is important not to delay the prelude and go to the root cause.