Because the lord usually flow into the next, let's consider first of all the characteristic signs of pain in women during the excitement. Once we remember that we have in mind not only the excitement during the sexual relationship – the pain can also occur during masturbation, and only during sexual excitement. Then, a series of diseases, in which a woman tormented by pain, just as excited.
Ovarian cysts
Cysts on the ovaries is the statement, in the form of bags full of liquid and can burst. His report to the tumors. Ovarian cysts may disappear on its own for 2-3 months, and may require operational or pharmacological intervention.
The pain
When it passes the sexual act, the woman may feel a sharp pain in the pelvis to the right or to the left. The same pain a woman can feel during menstruation, which, as is well known, give women a greater excitability.
What to do?
Necessarily undergo an ULTRASOUND of the genital organs, in particular drawing attention to the ovaries. To make sure true if you have an ovarian cyst, you must consult your gynecologist and undergo the treatment.
Thrush, she candidiasis
This disease, at least once, but has suffered virtually every first woman. That is to say – all women at least once passed through these flour: pain in the vagina, white precipitation on the walls, and itching to be exaggerated, not even to cry. This fungal disease, which is not necessarily sexually transmitted – its causes may be different. During infection of yeast in a woman's vagina and on the walls grow annoying Candida fungi, then the disease is called candidiasis.
With candidiasis pain during sexual intercourse becomes stronger each quarter of the women.
The pain
When excited during sex pain in the vagina may increase, and itching, among other things, also. Every touch to the walls of the vagina causes severe pain, discomfort, irritability. If a woman still resists the sexual act, her vagina becomes inflamed even more, the pain in the vagina can only be intolerant, and to give in the area of ovarian – then mal di ventre. Usually, the pain have the character of the burning.
What to do?
Visit a gynecologist and undergo therapy against the candida. Must necessarily give up in stripes with strong odors (flavored), tight underwear, synthetic underwear, uncontrolled fda – all of these tools can cause thrush the infection during sex. Before or after sex, you can use the ointment with the levels of the cortisol hormone in the composition is to reduce the inflammation of the walls of the vagina and will make the pain in silence.
Fibroids or fibromyoma of the uterus
This formation in the uterus in the shape of the tumor, which the doctors believe is benign. In this formation, are involved in the fibroids of the uterus and fibromyoma – that is, muscle and connective tissue. This disease takes the legs more than a third of women after the age of 35. The fibroids can be the size of peas (small) to the fetus species of orange flowers.
The pain
To fibroids or fibroids of the uterus hurts the vagina from its entrance as a partner to him tap. There can be considered to be quite dense plots in the form of bumps under the skin. The pain may occur in the vicinity of the vagina in the genital organs. During sex, the pain can buy quite a strong character.
Are throbbing, long-lasting, it can not go after you had sex for hours. The woman is living because of these pains, especially if the reason is not clear! You can even fall into depression, if the weather does not turn to the doctor for diagnosis.
What to do?
Contact your gynecologist in order to clarify the diagnosis, and treatment. For a more precise picture of the disease in need of an ULTRASOUND. As a general rule, the diagnosis of this disease detects a deviation of a time. As a treatment to apply the treatment is complete, it is possible to the operation.
Is the inflammation of the nerves, their roots, that are in the area of the vulva. Causes of infection, affecting the mucous membranes of the vagina, and frequent diseases of female genital organs. In particular, fungal, e.g. candidiasis.
The pain
When vulvodynia women may experience lower abdominal pain during sexual intercourse or arousal. The pain intensified, even if the woman only as long as it is in a position or sits on a solid surface. Pain is also amplified when the introduction of the penis into the vagina.
These symptoms can also accompany the frequent urge to urinate, the pain can give in the low back, and during menstruation, women may be the allocation more abundant than before.
What to do?
Visit the gynecologist and to pass an in-depth diagnosis. Feature vulvodynia is that it is very difficult to distinguish from other diseases. For example, fungal, or sexually transmitted diseases. And then treat the vulvodinamiyu much more difficult than the rest of the diseases of the female genital organs, which are easily diagnosed.
Bartholinitis is the inflammation of the Bartholin glands, organs, reminiscent of pea and size and shape. Are on the lips of the vagina – a pea in every sexual sponge. The cause of disease, also inflammation of the glands, and their obstruction due to the saturation of toxins and poor blood circulation. This is the likely cause, because the real reasons bartholinitis while scientists, doctors would not have understood it. This can be, for their hypothesis, that is causing the infection type of staph, strep and other nasty germs.
The pain
When bartholinitis the lips of a woman are on the rise, they swell, become inflamed and, of course, the woman feels pain during sexual intercourse and up to 5-6 hours after it. It is hard to resist, so the women make use of analgesics and / or call the ambulance. This pulsing pain of the character. Also, when the vaginal vault touching the partner or the woman herself, you can feel under your fingers the tight areas of the body.
What to do?
Contact your gynecologist for an examination and treatment. If the stage of the disease is already running, probably, the patient has the operation, you will need to remove one of the glands – the culprit of the pain. Or both.
This germination of uterine tissue (endometrium) in those areas of the body where it should not be. By the proliferation of the endometrium can suffer from bladder, fallopian tubes, the ovaries, the wall of the uterus, the rectum. But you never know in which organs can grow the endometrium!
The result is a pain when excited, poor sexual life of a woman. Her menstrual cycle may come and go when they like, with any frequency. In other words, this disease can worsen bleeding from the uterus. And to think that the endometriosis are diagnosed more than a third of women around the world! This disease – one of the main causes of infertility.
The pain
Pain when excited can disturb any woman, if she has endometriosis. Pain have sharp blade, a strong character, that it is time to call an ambulance. Of course, this does not give the possibility to the woman to get an orgasm, she suffers from a inability with the pleasure of having sex.
What to do?
Contact your gynecologist for an examination and, if necessary, if a complex therapy doesn't help, prepare for surgery.
Infections of the organs of the urinary

The infection of the organs of the urinary system often affect the women because the urethra and the vagina have anatomically located very close to one another, then the infection and speed up the path from the first vagina of the urethra, and by her – in the bladder. From this the sexual organs of a woman can become inflamed, and, as a result, the pain during the startup or sexual intercourse.
The pain
The woman feels pain in the lower belly, but you certainly can't define. Exactly where. The pain of the infection can be vague, uncertain, uncertain nature. During sex, the pain may increase, become malleable, stupid. The woman can always experience the desire to visit the toilet.
What to do?
Not to be confused with the urinary tract infection with colds and inflammations, and not of self-medication. If you experience pain in the lower belly during sex should necessarily visit a doctor and undergo a thorough diagnosis. In particular significant will be the examination of the urine, for him, it is easy to calculate that the woman has visited the pathogenic viruses and bacteria.
Care must not only. In this form of the disease must necessarily undergo treatment, and sex partner, her husband.
Vaginal dryness
Is a disease in which the vagina too little fat. Stays dry, and then during sexual intercourse male member annoying. You experience pain during sex.
From vaginal dryness at any period of life can suffer every woman. This symptom has touched more than a quarter of women in all over the world. The cause may be excessive hormonal drugs, including means of contraception. Among the causes of vaginal dryness and pain during arousal may be the period of pregnancy, lactation, period of menopause.
The pain
Ugly, loud, annoying. When, during sexual intercourse, a member of a partner or his fingers penetrate into the vagina, can react with a strong pain. After the sexual act has happened, this pain may not leave a woman for another 2-3 hours. Of course, vaginal dryness makes intercourse painful, then you can quietly and patiently endure, this is the problem.
What to do?
Consult to the gynecologist, he prescribed a treatment. If vaginal dryness caused by hormonal abnormalities, you will need to, first of all, establish a hormonal balance. If, due to the use of oral contraceptives, the need to revise the dosage and the purpose. If a woman does not in and of itself is quickly excited during sex, you need to use a lubricant special lubricant for sexual intercourse.
The pain during arousal in men
Men – the features of the pain during the sexual arousal. And have dictated the characteristics of the male anatomy. When a man is excited, through 20-40 seconds active the blood comes to the authority of the pelvis, the veins shrink and reverse the outflow of blood does not occur. From this the penis begins to grow, grow, grow in length and width.
Features erection men that foul they have increased three times. Becomes also longer than 8 cm, which is at rest. In the translation from the Latin of "erection" means "to lift up". In this state, the fascinum need to vent, a long time in this position, he can't stay. When the edge rubs against the wall of the vagina, the excitement grows, all the organs are intensifying their work. If, during the sexual arousal in men, which is something that does not go with the sexual organs, one can experience a sharp pain against power surges.
What diseases can cause pain in men during the excitement?
First of all, is a disease of viral nature. The bacteria and viruses can cause inflammation of the genital organs, by this, become weaker, vulnerable, tissue, overtraining and hurt.
It is an inflammatory process in the testes of males. Can occur after the man has undergone mumps, the common guinea – pig. The characteristic symptoms of this disease are high body temperature, the egg becomes swollen, painful.
The pain
The pain in the testis can be strong and of a short duration or traction, stupid, that does not pass away for several hours and even days – the pain can stay up to a week. During sexual intercourse the pain can not give a future, because the pain can become unbearable.
After a week of suffering, the pain may retire, but then go back again. The egg at this time is significantly reduced in terms of size, in that state, is, and remains, you can also atrophied. Up to two months after the disease passes, the pain can still go back and give the man a normal life sex life. The sperm significantly reduced in amount – that which produces pain egg.
What to do?
First of all, evaluated by a urologist. He will appoint the course of the treatment, and a man needs to remain under the supervision of a doctor not less than two months later, as pain during sexual arousal and the act of ceasing to bother him.
This annoying disease, during which the inflamed appendages of male testicles. The scrotum is increased in size, men, fever up to 38 degrees, and even frequent urination Because of the disease, usually a viral infection, or fungal disease. The reason for this can be a fungal disease or a cold the viral nature.
The pain
When I start the pain in the testicles and the scrotum is particularly strong. The scrotum becomes a lot more, also the testicles increase, and the blood, that excess comes to the genitals during arousal, which makes the sexual act is simply unbearable. The pain is acute and sharp.
What to do?
You need to immediately contact a urologist and undergo treatments, anti-fungal, and antiviral drugs. Complete therapy can also include anti-inflammatory drugs. If you do not think of suddenly, and do not treat the disease in its early stage, this can lead to infertility and lack of sex life in general.