Sometimes we are so passionate about work, chores, children, which at the end of the night, making love with his beloved by a man turns into a pure mechanical process.
How to experience maximum pleasure from the closeness with the person you love?
Many women complain that they have never experienced an orgasm, even being a few years married. But if the reason only in a man? It is unlikely. Of course, on the part of the stronger sex, a lot depends on: if he knows that should his companion, is able to stimulate the erogenous zones. What if, before getting to the sex, You can not relax until the end? What to do if for a long time not having an orgasm?
The answer is obvious: before intimacy with your loved one you may bring yourself and enjoy all the pleasures of making love with him.
There are a lot of ways to the end of the day only to run in pairs in a hug of a loved one, zataskivaya in the bedroom.
The easiest and, perhaps, reliable faith is your imagination. Like it or not, and the woman has mortgaged everything in his head.
It is not a secret that the mind of a woman can nafantazirovat everything in detail and, also, to believe in their fantasies, like the real thing. In our case, use your imagination will be much drinking. Try for a day to represent themselves with the beloved person. Try to feel his virile embrace, the smell of cologne and male, feel how it caresses The skin with a delicate, penetrating more and more in the hidden corners of Your body. Focus. Imagine that every movement of his body gives You a lot of fun.
Just a couple of minutes during the day, detailed fantasies for the evening We were prepared for a long and passionate night.
Another, not less effective, is to love yourself, and dress, and without her. Stand in front of a full-length mirror, look at your naked body. Also, if You have defects, it's not worth to focus the attention on them. Learn to love the view in the mirror. Try to caress and ironed. Please do not hesitate to know your own body. Discover what gives You most pleasure, which touch more exciting. If You choose to explore yourself, then it will be easier in the future to guide Your partner to the right actions. Remember, nothing of which to be ashamed. The body needs unloading. Not loving yourself, You will never feel the maximum enjoyment, and, consequently, on the orgasm you will know only with the words chatty girlfriends, never before seen in erotic films.
Even if You don't have a regular partner, like him, it is sufficient to submit the guy of Your dreams. This could be the famous idol or a young person, to which Has long gone mad, or simply an acquaintance of attractive appearance. In this case, you can use the sex toys shop for completeness of sensations.
Among men ("alpha males", as you call it), there is the belief that a good sex can be associated with any girl. I wouldn't be so sure of me, for this reason, even if the young man is mega a good lover.
The girl, who knows her body and is able to excite yourself alone, you will be able to feel the orgasm with a man who is with her in the same bed.
It may, therefore, be the mistress of the state, and not a prisoner – choose a guy, on the basis of its inner qualities, the degree of reliability and responsibility, and orgasm, with the mutual will, is only the result of a work on the body and the imagination.
Get pleasure from the sexual intimacy depends on the mutual desire of men and women. When any of them or both feel the moral or the physical labour, each day, experience stress at home and at work, it is very difficult to be in tune with the feelings of love and pleasure. In such cases, the invaluable assistance of pathogens, help to strengthen the libido and increase vitality.

Drugs that increase sexual desire, not only men, but and beautiful women. Women are actively engaged in their struggle with frigidity, but also with the aim of disclosing sexual potential and overcome shyness in bed. The fairer sex, even the ones that previously unknown feeling of orgasm, to experience, taking sexy pathogens.
Causes of decreased libido in women
The lack of sexual desire it is not so rare problem among the fair half of mankind. The sexual desire of the lord can influence a great number of factors, however, the problem often occurs on a background of a certain psychological state:
- Adolescents fears;
- the boring and monotonous sexual intercourse;
- problems in the relationship with the partner.
Woman pathogens
Increase libido and get new unforgettable feelings to bed will help agents for women. With these tools, is to give pleasure, not only the woman but also her sexual partner, because the dream of every man is incredibly passionate, sexually a woman.
Most of the stimulation funds have a rapid action, which is very important for sexual intercourse. Also, as sexy agents, they have virtually no side effect. The only exception is in cases where there is a greater sensitivity to certain components of the medication.
Aphrodisiacs exert the following action on the female body:
- Improve moisture of the vagina, which greatly facilitates the penetration of the penis.
- Fast-acting energizing effects: irresistible sexual desire and libido occurs already after a few minutes.
- A substantial increase in the sensitivity of the skin.
- Improvement of the orgasm, which in this case becomes long and bright.
The first signs of sexual arousal in women can be noticed already after a couple of minutes after the use of aphrodisiacs. The lady is more sexy and uninhibited, she speeds up the breath and harden the nipples.
With the help of aphrodisiacs to love the other partner is able to diversify the sexual life, thus restoring her to a party, and the former passions.
Then stimulation of the drug were used in ancient times and the dos have not lost their popularity. In the middle ages with the means to improve the libido in women, you can find only the traditional healers who for many centuries have studied the mechanism of action of the substances on man.
In our country, most recently, to purchase by stimulating the medication was virtually impossible due to existing at the time of public morality. Now aphrodisiac transparent can buy at any pharmacy, not to mention sex-sexy shop. So men it is not difficult to bring his love to the unbridled thirst of sex, thus ensuring to obtain the sexual pleasure of both partners.
Types and mode of application of the stimulation drugs for women
There is a variety of pathogens for women of different shapes and methods of use. Because of this diversity of every beautiful lady has the ability to purchase a sexual stimulant to your liking:

It is important to understand that pharmaceutical means how good, will only give you a short-term effect and not completely alleviate the problem. In addition, they have a negative effect on human health and create dependency. However, do not despair, because we can come to the aid of traditional medicine, with its age-old experience.
There are a number of natural aphrodisiacs are of plant origin, that are capable of returning a loss of sexual passion. To take advantage of folk remedies, help sexual arousal, you need to know them more closely. The regular use of natural aphrodisiacs not only help to restore sexual desire, but also to improve the general condition of the body.
Plants-aphrodisiacs to excite women
Jasmine. Collected plants flowers are dried, chopped, and fall asleep in a thermos. The raw pour the boiling water (0.5 l) and insist in a warm place for an hour, filter. Eat 1 time a day for 100 ml instead of tea.
Arnica. You need to take the dried flowers of the plants (15 gr.), grind and brew boiling water (400 ml). Take it for a couple of hours before the start of sexual intercourse for 50 ml. the Rhizome of the plant crushed and pour boiling water (300 ml), press 2 hours in a warm place. Apply an hour before sexual intercourse for 2 tsp.
The raspberry. It is quite effective women the causative agent. For the preparation of the mixture, it is necessary to assemble (best with a mixer) a couple of quail eggs and add to their mashed berries raspberries (100 g.), here to put a little bit of honey. The mixture mix well and keep in a cool place (refrigerator). The tool proves to be consumed daily to 10 grams, 2 times/day: at lunch and before going to bed.
Plantain and nettle. The mixture of these plants is an effective aphrodisiac for women. For its preparation it is necessary to take the psyllium seed, and nettle in a ratio of 1:1, grind reduced to a powder, the raw material to fall asleep in a glass container and add a little honey. The composition mix well and put the bowl on the window sill, let it sit for a week. Apply daily for 10 gr. before dinner.
Ginseng. It is most popular natural the causative agent for women. Under its influence, in the human body, you experience certain biological processes that affect the increase of libido.
The fenugreek. The use of this plant as a causative agent is a delicious way to solve the problem of low libido. The properties of the seeds of fenugreek were already known to the ancient peoples of Greece, Egypt and Rome. The taste, the plant is a little like caramel or maple syrup, apply to flavor dishes, but also in a mixture of spices. In India the leaves of fenugreek are consumed as a vegetable. The basic products of Greek hay, in the course of the centuries, are used to increase libido in both men and women, in addition, these drugs help improve the condition of the tissues in the breasts and increase milk production in breast-feeding women. Some even argue that this aphrodisiac helps to increase the size of the breast.
The aloe. You need to take a couple of leaves of the plants, wash and chop with caution. The resulting dough connect with the honey in a ratio of 1:1, mix. Eat every day a spoon.
In most cases, decrease of the libido is not so much a serious problem and the tools for its solution, normally, are at hand almost every woman. Sometimes the women in force of circumstances, if any, may not cook drug alone (elementary laziness, lack of time, etc).
However, to enhance the libido does not have to force yourself to prepare a variety of blends and infusions, you just need to include in your diet certain foods.

Try to eat more fish, legumes, and citrus fruits. Increase sexual desire it also contributes to the use of the following products:
As we have understood, in reality everything is quite simple. Knowing the stimulation properties of some plants and products, you will easily be able to not only increase sexual desire, but also improve your mood and well-being.
The best caresses - the lower part of the belly. You have to press lightly on him, and, even better, put a small pillow, which will push slightly with the movements. Good advice, these tap - in reality, direct stimulation of the uterus. The contractions can be the cause and the arousal and orgasm, but here it is important not to overdo it. Usually,
this is effective when a woman is excited, but still have not approached toward orgasm.
A few taps on the bottom of the stomach before an orgasm will strengthen pleasure.
It is necessary to introduce into the vagina a solution of alum. Alum restrict the the vagina, to increase his sensitivity, but are very dry mucosa. If the first two minutes, the woman is yet to take a burning sensation in the genitals for arousal, then she will always be less pleasant. And still - this method is the load of inflammation. So that it should not be used.
Enter the first contact pad in the anus. Fun tip, which is not devoid of common sense: the compression of the anus is contracted and the vagina (sometimes the volume is reduced to a centimeter). Because of this, the more stimulation they get, the sensitive nerve endings of the vagina. I know that this is a method they love to use women who have given birth. Yet to participate it is not necessary - in case of extended use, it is full of hyperinflation of the muscles of the anus.
The Pre - "warm up" the vagina - take a bath with the herb elecampane or sea salt.
Easy stimulation of hot water can "wake up" sensitive points, but not by much.
And hot water unless it will help the woman to relax. Bath with inula, or the salt increases the temperature of the body, causes, and the tide of blood, but to make a woman very excitable she can't.
Dissolve a couple of drops of iodine in a glass of milk and drink prior to contact. This cocktail causes contractions of the uterus, strengthens the muscle tone. Sometimes the "people midwives suggest using it during the long birth. But the orgasm is unlikely that it affects, in addition, has an unpleasant taste.
Enter an hour before the sexual intercourse the vagina carrot. A certain stimulating effect you may have: in the first place, irritation of the walls of the vagina causes an inflow of blood, in the second place,
carotene, which contains carrot juice, has a tonic effect.
Only the carrot is necessary to clean and wash thoroughly.
We need to open the window or the window open more, and have sex in cold water bedroom. When the air temperature is 17-19 degrees in the blood is strongest of all flows in the body, and can increase the sensitivity. There are information, that some women really increases the excitement.