Intimate relationships have a great value, and for men and for women. Are important to save not only the physical health but also psychological.
Sometimes it happens that a mental or physical condition does not allow the woman to fully relax and horny. This leads to an insufficient allocation of vaginal lubrication, and sex does not give you the had to pleasure to his partner, also may be present, and the sensation of pain. It is precisely for such situations creates special female agents in the form of drops.
What are the drops stimulants for women
For a woman needs a medication to increase libido? In such cases it is necessary to take the drops, or other means?
The female body is organized in a different way, is very different from that of men. A representative of the stronger sex, to be excited, it is enough to see the girl naked.

But the woman in front of a excitement in the body undergoes a series of processes:
- The process of excitation of the girl provides for the preparation of the vagina to sex. To avoid the pain during the intimacy in the female genital organs there is a special lubricant. If the excitement has come into force – is likely to imply pain, but also increase the likelihood of infection or injury during sex.
- In conditions of poor excitation decreases the chances of getting orgasm. To some extent is considered as abstinence, because, if not, the orgasm happens the discharge of the body and not to reduce stress that occurs during sexual intercourse. And no peak of pleasure, able to trigger inflammatory processes, which may lead to other gynecological diseases.
- The process of arousal, and then sexual relations with a man favorably influence the emotional and mental state of the girl. Women who regularly live the sexual life, more balanced and calm from the emotional point of view.
The medication for the excitement of the fairer sex can not only be used when it is not the right excitement, but also in some other cases. For example, when you love, there is no time for prolonged foreplay, and the desire of all does not increase.
Just at this moment, to come to the aid of drops, increase the excitation of women. This medication will not only help to improve the libido in the crucial moment, but also make you the variety and give new sensations the two partners.
These tools must take, if they have place the following indicators:
- Low level of sexual excitement and not enough natural lubrication.
- Interrupted blood circulation in the pelvic area.
- If you are experiencing problems with the tone of the vagina.
- This symptom, as the frigidity and the constant lack of orgasm.
- The lack of sexual desire and the desire of making love.

If a woman has discovered that these symptoms, then, in the first place, it is necessary to consult a doctor. After all, there may be a need for a more in-depth intervention of specialists.
Attention! Buy female pathogen may be in the pharmacy! Agents for women are available in the form of drops, and other dosage forms!
The principle of operation of drops
The action of any pathogen, understood, and considered, is based on the fact that the components begin to act, contributing to the formulation of a woman's vaginal lubrication. And ' she helps make the sexual act a soft, pleasant and painless.
Excitement for women of quick action starts to occur already after ten minutes after the administration.
The lady is able to detect the following processes, shows that the action of the drug is in the active phase:
- accelerates the heart rate;
- the breath becomes frequent and excited;
- the blood vessels dilate, you can observe the appearance of redness;
- it swells the chest, the lips and the clitoris.
These events are external, and you can see them and recognize. But they also occur in the internal processes, which are due to the direct action of the pathogen on the body of the female.
As well as increases the sexual desire, a woman can experience several orgasms, but also will become more active and confident in bed.
On the basis of the reviews the fairer sex, who have used this tool, it can be concluded that the female agent – drop, allows you to feel like a free girl, ready to experiment.
As already mentioned, these drops for girls you can buy in a pharmacy. On the basis of the titles of the tools components, it is clear that the principle of action and high-speed drops can be different. The pharmacist is able to recommend which variety of pathogens. But a woman needs to know what kind of aphrodisiac on the suited.
The action of various pathogenic agents is the following:
- The drug can affect the circulation of the pelvic organs. Also cause a sharp inflow of blood to the sex organs, which is manifested as a strong, irresistible desire to make love.
- The tool has a positive effect on the selection of natural lubrication of the vagina, resulting in excitement, the nipples, the genitals and increases sensitivity to touch men.
Drops to the excitement convenient to use. They do not require the production of specialized graphics for the reception. You can add in any type of liquid, fruit juice, tea, water.
Packaging with drops is usually enough for one to ten moves. It so happens that the funds of different manufacturers have the same composition, the differences are only in the package.

You can select the most common in women of pathogens:
- "shpanskaya mushka". This pathogen is considered to be the most common among women. The ingredient main – kandraitin (is an enzyme of insects). This component is very toxic, so the dosage must be followed exactly as indicated in the instructions. "shpanskaya Viewfinder" is considered to be very effective, as well as the action is literally five minutes after taking it. Price single package – about three hundred rubles.
- "Silver Fox". This is also the causative agent of a strong action. Energizing effect after drinking arrives after about twenty minutes, but it lasts long enough. One-off sachet of this medication is 300 rubles.
- "Female Viagra". This instrument is indian. Reviews on it, mostly positive. Girls, experimented on myself, they say that after the reception you feel blood flow to the genitals, intense moisturizing vaginal. And even during sex they are enriched with pleasant feelings. Action starts after to twenty minutes after consumption. Suitable to girls and women after fifty.
- "The tail of a pathogenic agent". The main components of this drug actively affecting the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system of a person. Thanks to this, the woman begins to experience arousal and attraction to the opposite sex.
Important! For each woman the same pathogen may act in a different way. In one case, the effect comes faster, and so it is necessary to wait a certain period of time. On the basis of this, they can be positive, negative, and reviews on a vehicle.
Contraindications and side effects
Stimulation drops have practically the same action, and then the contraindications and the side effects are almost indistinguishable.
Seen that the active funds on the process of the circulation of the blood, the woman may experience redness in the facial area or other parts of the body. But this effect has not be afraid – does not last long and is considered normal when excited of the body.
In some cases, you may experience symptoms such as dizziness or headaches. Synthetic substances accelerate the number of heart beats. But such events can be avoided, if the causative agent to collect properly and strictly adhere to the specified dosage.
If a woman does not want to use methods of synthesis, and the stimulation of excitement, you can use these that include natural components. Triggers the action after they come later, but these agents have a natural composition.
If we consider the contraindications, they are:
- Pregnancy.
- Heart disease.
- Transferred a heart attack or a stroke.
- Increase in blood pressure.
- Inflammation of the genital organs.
The new generation of a variety of pathogens of every year is produced by pharmaceutical companies and is the consumer of it. After all, even if with the excitement of a woman everything is ok, by new sexual experiences, it is unlikely that you reject.
Women who purchase similar means in the specialized shops or the pharmacy, don't spare the feelings.
And yet, you want to try something new in sex with your partner, this will give a new breath to the relationship.