In the last article we have tried to reason with the men, refusing to wives in intimacy. Now for the other fellow. In fact, according to statistics, at least two out of ten women are not seeking to embrace their husbands. Simply do not have this desire. Also if you have this possibility. And about 40 percent of those that his - desire - with difficulty, but they are still not alert from the sex satisfaction. And the worst thing is that many of their numbers by the time they pass in the category of those who are not committed. Especially after having lived some time with the husband. At the end suffer from both sides: those who do not want to have sex, the other will not receive it. It is not surprising then that many scientists are looking for "antidote" - a sort of ways and means of heating the "cold" of the lord.

Natural methods are more or less only works one. For example, Rosemary at the University of British Columbia recommends (and the "CHANGE" of a time recommended) to women to have sex through the "I can't-I don't want to". His research has conclusively shown that "the act of sexual intercourse restore the libido". And more acts, the faster comes the healing. Because women's blood increases the content of testosterone, the hormone that is largely responsible for the lust.
The trouble is that the majority of women (just read the responses on our web site), violent method, disgusted. Mainly due to feelings of personal aversion to sex to their husbands-artist. And what you find out? Initiate the treatment is preventing "healer" and "healer" prevents, because "sick". A vicious cycle... Just a great desire of his wife to go to husband allows you to get rid of him.
Some psychologists advise to do the lord's erotic video. Connect on the survey data, which shows that more than half of the women react. That is, excited. And strong enough. And quickly - on average in 743 seconds. In speed are only a minute and a half less than men.
But... usually the woman does not want to accept the "healing" medication. Even knowing that it will be the excitement. In other words, the physiological response of the fairer sex is not always indicative of their desire to enter into an intimate relationship. And some are ready for its suppression.
Scientists say: the lust of women, changing with the time. And medical statistics supposedly show that the peak of passion they reach at the age of 35. Or even later. So maybe worth the wait?
Alas, many husbands have been waiting for. But it has not arrived. On the contrary, is full of videos where wives, young people willingly and with pleasure sex. And growing up, "however, went into failure".
Scientific logic tells me: datura love generate chemical substances that the body itself produces. From them you have lust, and accompanying his enjoyment. Normal the female body produces these substances in necessary amount and due proportion. Crazy - me errors. If so, then we need to add the missing.
A time the sexologists hopes placed directly on the testosterone. Were also developed special patches, which has been injected the hormone under the skin. But the great success of this therapy has not led. Women are more insistent in his reluctance.
The american professor Larry Young, of Emory University of Atlanta has experienced with another hormone - oxytocin, which how to create sexual fantasies, urges up to each other's embrace weasel, relieves stress and strengthens the mutual trust. At least the lovers level of this hormone up to date.
However, direct reception of oxytocin, nobody yet did not arouse the love, that is called, in an empty space. And has not sent the cold wife in a hug, sexy hated her husband. Even if he has reduced several times the number of scandals among the spouses, who participated in the experiences.
The professor, however, does not lose hope of success. And the research on substances that, as he says. Believes that with their help, we still can at least strengthen my love. If there is still a glimmer.
And while the situation in the end was not fully elucidated, researchers are working on two fronts - and with bodies of women, and with their personality components. That is, with the brain, which, according to many, and it is the main sexual organ. And here, in this direction, apparently, there has been considerable progress in the creation of potions for the spell of love.

Microchip spell of love
Psychiatrist Morten, university of Oxford on the pages of the journal Nature Reviews Neuroscience says that he has found land in the brain, which is specifically responsible for sexual pleasure. But precisely its coordinates not specific. Only reports that the small, valuable point lies in the region of the orbital-frontal cortex. Like, she should be the impulses of the libido and bring you to orgasm.
In the next 10 years, the researcher intends to create an electronic chip, and master the operations to its plant at that point. Goal is to provide all those who want the sexual pleasure. At any time. Management - with the remote, such as garage. A button on it will stimulate the libido, the other to provide an orgasm. Natural sexual intercourse is not canceled. Simply will be optimized electronics. And to whom and for what button to press to decide the partners. Even if the device can be used alone.
Some of the funds exposure to "cold" the lord already. Others are incoming. But the question is: if there will be those who wish to take advantage of them?
The pharmaceutical companies do not have any doubts in the success - rely on a market of billions of dollars. Consider that it also beat the viagra. In fact, the women with problems libido is not less than "slowing down" of the men. But in between them there is a difference... the Stronger sex, it is a pleasure to be treated. And the wind does not want to. And what will change with the advent of the miraculous sex-tablets? Even if... to feed them can be hidden, put in the compost. Or in red wine.
Scientists of Turin and university of Florence, has carried out tests on 798 women who have a partner the usual. They watered these women wine red. Paid every day for one-two glasses. And then assessed the sexual activity of the presence of several parameters: libido, excitability, intensity and orgasms, the pain.
Results bold experiment, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. And are the test: one-two glasses, reinforced libido, reduced, or even relieves the pain. But nothing more, alas, the red wine has not affected. Unfortunately, the authors of the research has not yet succeeded in clarifying the mechanisms of its impact on the sexual activity of women. But they're going to get to the truth, hidden in the red wine. And will continue to drink.