Excitement for women of quick action, it is useful to adjust the stress, bad relationship with partner, with a decrease in sexual desire, up to the complete development of frigidity. After taking stimulants, the body relaxes, increases the skin's sensitivity and the erogenous zones, you look at strengthening the production of natural lubrication.
Why disappears the sexual desire
Stimulation funds for women not cure the cause appeared problems, but only to eliminate the effects, both acute and delayed vaginal dryness, reluctance to make love, unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse.
If the loss of desire is temporary in nature, do not worry. In such situations, periodically, you discover any adult man.
With the significant decline in the libido all so much.
The most common causes of this phenomenon are:
- Monotonous the relationship. In this case, there is no desire to have sex with the usual partner.
- Strong psychological or physical fatigue. Experiences, insufficient amount of time for sleep draining the resources of the female body, which is manifested by the decrease or lack of sexual desire.
- The infectious diseases. The consequences of childbirth. Especially if these last were heavy and accompanied by multiple injuries.
- The psychological discomfort. It appears the girls who have negative experiences from previous relationships, in the presence of the complex or for other reasons.
- Functional disorders of the urinary system of women. The reduction of sexuality often indicates ovarian cysts, endometriosis and even cancer.
- Hormonal disturbances. Any change in the balance of these substances is reflected in the desire to engage in sexual relations.
- for internal use (drops, lotions, sachets of powder, capsules, etc);
- for external application, such as lubricating gel, cream).
- acts on the functioning of the nervous system;
- the blood rushes to the genitals;
- stimulates the secretion of strengthening lubrication;
- relaxes the muscular system;
- you can experiment with bright, have multiple orgasms;
- makes a girl less shy in bed.
- the couples in age, who want to experience forgotten sensations;
- locked characters;
- during the menopause;
- girls that suffer from vaginal dryness;
- women who feel libido decrease for reasons that are not clear.
- the celery;
- ginger;
- almonds;
- saffron;
- vanilla;
- fruits of the sea;
- red pepper;
- melissa;
- bitter chocolate;
- black coffee.
- headache, migraine;
- nausea and vomiting;
- increase in blood pressure;
- arrhythmias and other disorders.
If you regularly occurs a problem of some pathogens is very little. Need a consultation gynecological.
Test testosterone deficiency
The test for testosterone is important for many representatives of half of strong. Many men are familiar with concepts such as impotence and erectile dysfunction, but not everyone knows that to appear to these problems can be due to the failure of the body to the hormone testosterone.
Test of testosterone in men you can spend on your own home. This is a very important hormone, because of him, supported libido, controlled erection, enhances mental ability, increases the quality, quantity and motility of the sperm, has a positive effect on the growth of muscle tissue. The test for the hormone testosterone to a man to assess the state of the reproductive system.
Test of testosterone deficiency can also be made before the hike to a specialist, if the results forced to doubt, you need to visit a urologist, and analysis of hormones. This test on the testosterone levels may not replace the treatment of a doctor.

The types of pathogens for women of quick action
All types of potions to increase libido used since the ancient times. The first recipe I represented and sorcerers, and still do so today in scientific laboratories, where products are tested, and identify side effects.
Such a lot of medications. They are made in supermarkets, pharmacies, shops of products for intimate.
These can be of the following types of pathogens for women:
Liquid forms work faster. The effect lasts about 3-4 hours. Pre-formed funds to excite the women absorbed through the mucous membranes after the dissolution, and then I have to wait. The desire increases gradually (unlike liquid solutions).
External stimulants act almost immediately and does not have a system impact on the body.
The composition of such drugs are natural or synthetic afrodiziak.
The action on the body, this
Agents for women to take regularly is not worth it, these actions lead to dependence, and then, without stimulation you can do. The number of techniques to clarify instructions for use.
For example, the supplements kantaridinom in case of violation of the toxic dosages, and drinking them need no more than 2 times a week.
Once entered in the body afrodiziak:
Their welcome will be useful:
If the problem concerns regularly, the woman is recommended to pass an examination. On the basis of the results, the doctor will determine the diagnosis and will help you with the choice of instruments.

Afrodiziak of natural origin
In men the first impulses nervous excitation occur in the penis, and the girls in the brain, then the last mental attitude plays an important role. If during sex the girl feels uncomfortable with the moral, even a strong afrodiziak will be powerless.
Men often ask us how it works pathogen for women. For maximum effect, it is necessary to create a favorable environment for making love and not to confer a substance in a favourite glass in the hope of berserk sex.
The exciting action have some food:
Often weak libido is connected with fatigue, lack of vitamins and minerals, unhealthy diet. To solve the problem of inclusion in the diet of large amounts of raw vegetables and fruits (especially avocado), but also of fiber and dairy products.
In a struggle with the lack of libido, will be useful in day-to-day contrast of the soul, able to improve the tone of blood vessels and the flow of blood to the various organs.
The muscle weakness is often the cause of lack of desire, so to regular physical exercise, with particular attention to the area of the perineum help to eliminate the discomfort.
Agents make sex long and interesting, but it is not a panacea. For the normal functioning of the whole body the problem you need to find and delete. The abuse of stimulants leads to sexual dysfunction.
Opinion, and their partners
The choice of medication should be approached with caution, because the ingredients act in a different way. What is suitable for a girl, it is useless for another, so the better the instrument chosen by means of experiments.
Many manufacturers offer to buy the drug in the package, the disposable dosage. This will let you know, not if it has side effects. The first time that he drinks half the specified dosage, to make sure that the general well-being does not deteriorate.
Often after internal receive afrodiziakov girls complain of:
The pace of modern life often leads to a lack of libido, dryness in the intimate area and discomfort during sexual intercourse. This reflects negatively on the health of women. To avoid this, the use of agents, with various additives. Most of the fairer sex have confirmed that they work and help you forget about the problem.
The purchase of medicines through the internet, you have a higher chance of acquiring fraudulent means. They do not contain components that are declared, then it is totally useless.
For the fairer sex, long forgotten, what is normal sex stimulants supplements — the true salvation.
Even some drugs that are used to improve erection in men, doctors often prescribe them and the women. The last satisfied for the result obtained, despite the synthetic origin of the drug.
The most lively feelings can't reach, if stimulants have taken both parts of the sexual intercourse. The men say, when the causative agent is using only one partner, to satisfy her harder.
Take excitement to the women of action quick — personal file of each woman. If this happens infrequently, the risk to health is minimal. The abuse of stimulants health risks and leads to unexpected consequences. If the problem of vaginal dryness and decreased libido worries constantly, it is necessary to consult the gynecologist and the psychotherapist.