One of the indicators of the health of the woman is its characteristic secretion sexual. Selection during the sex is a complex process, conceived by the nature. As should be the norm, and that is considered to be a pathology, — more information in this article.

Characteristics of female secretions when excited
Almost all sexual partners during intimacy observed hydration of the vagina, and with the increase of the sexual desire increases.
That stands for the women when excited?
In daily life, the secretion appears during sex, called fat. Is clear fluid discharge with no smell and a uniform texture. Described, the substrate is composed of liquid and cellular components, are secretion of the glands the epithelial of the vagina and of the uterus, the white blood cells and a variety of micro-organisms.
How much mucus should be normal?
Usually female lubrication stands 5 ml per day. The amount of the liquid with the excitation increases considerably due to an influx of blood to the walls of the vagina and the stimulation of the sex glands. Selection start the girls may be overly abundant or, on the contrary, scarce. Sometimes the greater number of them that stands out during orgasm.
What is the woman lubricant?
The secret performs a lot of functions. With him, the sex becomes more comfortable, provided an easy introduction and sliding. Sticky composition allows to reduce the penetration of foreign bodies of micro-organisms, creating a protective barrier against germs and infections.
During the fertile period of the fairer sex this fluid suitable composition, creating a favourable environment for the sperm, thereby contributing to the conception.
White selection during sex (such as cream)
Often the lord took notice of me, thick white discharge during sex and after him. Many describe it using the phrase "like cream".
On the forum, doctors, no one can explain the nature of the secretion, and many users advise that you visit a clinic and exams. However, experts gynecologists claim that the creamy white of selection should not scare a woman, if you do not have an unpleasant smell, they have a smooth consistency and is not accompanied not pleasant sensations in the form of burning, itching and pain during urination. This characteristic, according to experts, is peculiar to mucus on certain days of the menstrual cycle.
The fact is that during menstruation the level of hormones continues to evolve, the amount of estrogen increases and decreases. The action of these substances and determines the feminine character of the secretion. Besides the vagina, the mucus it produces in the uterus, the so-called liquid cervical.
Its main function — to aid in the transport of the sperm into the egg. In the figurative sense, is a repository of seed, an environment that is favorable to him and can survive in the acid environment of the microflora of the vaginal.
Changes in secretion during sexual intercourse for a month?
Characteristic vaginal discharge depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle in which it occurred, the sexual intimacy.
At the beginning of the mucus is very little, it is transparent in colour and quite watery. Its function in this phase is the barrier, which is formed in a channel (the so-called cervical underground), prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterus.
When approaching ovulation, the amount of estrogen in growth, which affects the work of the whole body, in particular, on the sex of the system and the properties of vaginal mucus. Vaginal the secret to becoming rich, dense, viscous, and alkaline. Has a smell distinct, egg white, cream, or white.
After ovulation, the mucus new product in a minimal amount.
The vaginal mucus and cervical fluid can also talk about, in which phase of fertility of a woman, and if you can conception.
To calculate the most suitable for the fertilization days, you should pay attention to the signs and types of sexual mucus:
- With the lack of secretions and dryness of the vagina, conception is impossible (immediately after the critical days, and the first of them).
- Sticky adhesive tape and the mucus that dries quickly on your fingers, only a small part of it may favor the survival of sperm.
- Creamy white selection during the sex with no smell, ready to approach ovulation and increase the chances of becoming pregnant.
- The ovulation period is characterized by emission of white stringy fluid, which recalls the white of the egg. The highest probability of conception.
- Then the estrogen level is declining, which makes the system less capable of preservation and transport of the seed of the male.
These secretions may change and in virtue of other factors. Transferred stress and disease in the feet, hormonal imbalances, intake of medicines, including hormones, antibiotics, allergic reactions, infectious diseases, and gynecological pathology in order to change the description released during sex mucus.
Abundant secretion during sex
Allocated in a significant number of secret, usually, not about pathology. Furthermore, the volume of secretions and helps to orientate in the probability of conception vaginal method. He suggests as follows: introduction 2 fingers in the vagina (quite in depth), the subsequent extraction and determination of the presence of the liquid.
Strong selection during sex can talk about ovulation, and also on the difficulties in an intimate setting, so it works this method only in the absence of ailments and diseases.
Pathology and disease
It causes excessive selection of lubrication of the girl when excited can become some of the disorders.
Common disease that results in excessive secretions of character, is bacterial vaginosis. During and after the sex we observe sticky and abundant mucus, yellow, green or a dirty white color with the smell of fish. During sexual intercourse may seem uncomfortable in the form of burning and itching.
The consistency of the ricotta, white in color, and the smell of yogurt indicate Candidiasis also known as thrush.

Infectious diseases sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhoea, often explain significant loss of liquid, foul-smelling of different colors during intimacy.
Natural causes abundant white discharge in women after sexual intercourse
This secretion may be the result of the mixture of vaginal discharge and semen of a man. Sometimes it has a yellowish tinge and protein smell, similar to a hen's egg. Usually the discomfort of this mucus is not. Genital selection is pretty good and says to the completion of intercourse ejaculation in the vagina.
Often the cause of strong female secretions when excited color white becomes hypersensitivity. In this case, can not be attributed a score to the pathology, rather, is the phenomenon of the psychological and emotional.
Poor selection during the sex
Sometimes a lubricant is missing and is not, that is the result of problems. Perhaps it is out of balance the acid-alkaline or the broken microflora. Often, the reason hormonal failure, which is why vaginal dryness is often found in the menopause.
Reviews of women and the opinion of the experts
Olga, 37 years old: "During the excitement I have as strong selection for bed linen for the house are also the spots. And this does not change with the passing of the menstrual cycle. Unless, in his mid become more white and more sticky. The smear performing the analysis, infections me there are".
Victor S., the gynecologist: "in women of reproductive age selection during the sex is natural and even a duty. They say a flood of blood to the sex organs, the mucous membranes, the glands that produce the secret, called sex fat. If the local microflora is sensitive, selection, especially at the peak of excitement will be abundant and watery, no matter what kind of product selection. This symptom can be reduced with the help of medications of local action. Above all, do not self-medication, not to dry the mucous membranes.
Here you can go and the emotional state of a woman, and a high level of the hormone estrogen. Therefore, if such selection during the sexual relationship expresses discomfort, consult a specialist to establish their etymology".
Briefly on the main
On the basis of the foregoing, it can be concluded that lubrication during sex is due to the work of the glands in the genitals. In the first place, is the result of a rush of blood to the walls of the vagina and the stimulation of the mucous glands. In the second place, the uterus, the nature of which varies depending on the time of the menstrual cycle.
White discharge in women during the act of intimacy or after the exclusion of diseases may indicate the approach of ovulation, when conception is most likely. Important to pay attention to the description of this secretion, and to consider the possible changes of properties in different periods. If the vaginal discharge expresses discomfort, consult with your doctor to determine and resolve the cause. And stay in good health!!!